Has anyone seen my self control??



  • stephiebabe44
    stephiebabe44 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement. Its good to know that I am not alone :smile:

    I guess I just have to take each day as it comes and if I screw up then just accept it and move on. I will do my best!!
  • WowieGarcia
    Self control is a fair weather friend that will abandon you the TOM when you need it most. Then it will not hesitate to mock you when you go on the scale and see the weight you've gained and it will say "I TOLD YOU SO". I love it and hate it the same time.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    maybe your self control ran off with my wii fit plus game and my 5# hand weight!? i was the same way before i started mfp. are you still logging your calories? it helped me tremendously to see it in black and white... i'm not going to admit i ate THAT! ;-) keep your goals attainable and in sight and remember why you're doing this in the first place! hang in there!
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    I'll check in my fridge, behind my birthday cake, cuz I'm pretty sure that's where mine is skulking about. (I really need to just 'accidentally' drop the rest of it on the floor cuz it's way to easy to justify another piece.)

    As for the rest of it, maybe you just need to take a break. Give yourself a week off to get it out of your system, then set a date to get yourself back on track. Deprivation and guilt really mess with your state of mind (I've heard it referred to as Famine Brain), so maybe taking a break from them will set you straight? I know my head gets in the way of me accomplishing a lot of things, so clearing it out can be like hitting a RESET button.

    Really, what's the worst that can happen? My guess is you'll have a stress free week and gain 1 pound that you'll probably lose again in the 2 weeks following it. Sounds like a good risk to me.
  • Ridestolive6969
    Self- control is very hard especially when we are faced with so many unhealthy choices every day!

    A few things I have learned:

    1. I need to plan everything I am going to put in my body for the day- and then stick with it 100% so that it becomes a habit.
    2. Eat tons of Protien and keep carbs down by eating complex carbs instead of refined. (dont eat things that come out of a box when you can help it!)
    3. Everyone is different- listen to your body and try to find the foods, drinks, or yes, even emotions, that trigger you to crave unhealthy foods. Have a healthy snack available to eat as soon as you need it.

    I have only a few more pounds to go to lose my weight loss goal and I have been doing this for 6 months. I can be a little more flexible now but I still eat within the parameters I set for myself because I know where i feel the best. Good luck!