Knee pain while working out

I've been working out regularly since the beginning of the year, first with Yoga Booty Ballet videos, the last few months with EA Active Sports for the Wii. Both programs use a lot of squats and various forms of lunges; EA Sports also uses kick-ups which I am now skipping because they are too painful to do. None of these exercises were painful when I started working out (other than the usual muscle soreness from actually using muscles that haven't had a real workout in a long time). The last 3 weeks or so I have been having increasing pain in my knees, most in the top of my knee. It was suggested to me that possibly I haven't been working the different groups of muscles in proportion (i.e. strengthening the front of my legs more than the lateral muscles attached to my knees). I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar and if anyone has any suggestions; it is quite painful even getting up and down from a chair or if they are in any one position for too long. Thanks in advance.


  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I have been having this problem lately as well. My knees ache and going up stairs and standing up from a chair are difficult. My mom is a physical therapist and she told me to make sure I am stretching all of the muscles around my knees really well. She also said to modify exercise to reduce impact on my knees until I gain more strength and lose a bit more weight.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    it could be your form on your squats and lunges, have a trainer take a look at your form and see if you're doing them properly. As far as mucle groups, this is very common and the easiest way to fix this issue (if this is your issue) is to rock out the Jane Fonda in sets of work like this:
    1) sit with your legs straight out toe pointed leg lifts (works over the top of the quad)
    2) same position with your foot flexed and turned at a 45 degrees to the side (well, maybe a little less, works the inside of the leg)
    3) lay on your side hips and shoulders stacked, legs straight, and lift the top leg to the side (working outside of thigh)
    4) same side as 3 raise the bottom leg in the air (works inside of the thigh), I find it's easiest to cross the top leg in front, not back.
    5) laying on belly, lift leg up in the air

    repeat on the other leg

    Edit: my recent knee pain is from tightness. I've been seeing someone to work it out, but the best results I've gotten I laying on my side quad stretch, then take lower leg and lay it over the to knee while still doing quad stretch. This stretches out the outter thigh and hip.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I agree, it might be your form. I had done lunges my entire life via gym classes and also in working out. It wasn't until I started doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred that I realized I was lunging incorrectly. On her video she states not to let your knee go passed your toes - I had always been doing them with my knees going past my toes my entire life. Once I started being mindful about this, my knee pains stopped completely. I am pretty excited about this since I have had symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (and it runs in my family).

    Hopefully a slight adjustment to your form will correct this problem for you. Of course I'm no doctor so you might want to take my advice with a grain of salt. :) Good luck!
  • K8Ashworth
    From my experience with yoga, pain is a signal you shouldn't ignore. First: Stop doing the exercises that cause pain. Today. Perhaps it's time to change your workout routine to incorporate more stretching and strength-building exercises. Lunges and squats give you good cardio, but you can get your heart rate up just as effectively by doing household chores. Whatever your fitness goals are, they don't require squats to get there. Stop doing them and give your knees a chance to heal. Maybe you could use the summer weather to your advantage and get your workouts by swimming? That's easy on the knees, and will definitely give you a workout. And if your knees don't start to feel better after a few weeks of self-love, then see your doctor. Treat your knees well - they're the only set you get.