Breakfast - is coffee enough?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I wake up at 5:00 every morning in order to get myself and my son ready for work and daycare. I am in to much of a rush to eat anything before I leave. So I normally drink coffee with non fat creamer and splenda. Then around 8:00 when I am finally at work and settled I will drink my Shakeology or eat something small. There is just no time in the mornings before I leave the house for me to have anything other then coffee.

    Hum, I'm up at 5 every morning too. I have my coffee and eat my breakfast, have myself ready and his breakfast ready by 6, wake and feed him (I find it's easier to feed him if his breakfast is on the table waiting when he gets downstairs), pack up our bags while he heats and am out the door at 6:30. I am, however, known for my 5 minute showers, I put on my make up at work (I'm a minimalist with just eye make up only), and i set out my clothes the night before.
  • mamaboobear
    I have never been a breakfast eater, EVER. and I was never 'overweight', technically I'm still not, I'm just too jiggly for my liking lol, I've always just had coffee, eating breakfast just makes me hungrier throughout the day and then I over eat. At most I will have a banana about a half hour after I'm done my two morning coffees. I definetly don't believe in the whole jumpstart your metabolism for the day theory.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I wake up at 5:00 every morning in order to get myself and my son ready for work and daycare. I am in to much of a rush to eat anything before I leave. So I normally drink coffee with non fat creamer and splenda. Then around 8:00 when I am finally at work and settled I will drink my Shakeology or eat something small. There is just no time in the mornings before I leave the house for me to have anything other then coffee.

    Hum, I'm up at 5 every morning too. I have my coffee and eat my breakfast, have myself ready and his breakfast ready by 6, wake and feed him (I find it's easier to feed him if his breakfast is on the table waiting when he gets downstairs), pack up our bags while he heats and am out the door at 6:30. I am, however, known for my 5 minute showers, I put on my make up at work (I'm a minimalist with just eye make up only), and i set out my clothes the night before.

    I am normally out the door by 6:30 also but I have to do my hair and put my makeup on at home. I would get into trouble if I tried to do it at work.