Raw food for detox....

So im trying really hard to get healthy. Its apparently harder than I realized! I was doing very well for awhile working out and feeling great but then I started to feel really bad! Tired, moody, depressed. All the signs point to the fact that I really need to detox my body which im finding is REALLY REALLY hard. I love cheeses and meats & wheat so the idea of cutting them out almost entirely is scary! I also like to drink. Compared to my old lifestyle im a Saint but I feel like there is alot of toxic buildup from my old ways & current that are really starting to take a tole on me. I know I need to do this though to take care of myself so Im looking for friends who are interested like I am, Live this lifestyle, & are who are also trying to detox!! I can use all the support and (raw recipe ideas) I can get!


  • biketrainingblog
    All the signs that you aren't eating enough. You're probably lacking some major carbs and protein. Either that or you've over trained. I've been to both worlds, it sucks.
  • Raven5287
    Raven5287 Posts: 31
    ROFL...... Neither.... I eat alot... I need to detox my body. So I started a post looking for people who are trying to do the same thing. I wasnt looking for someone elses opinion about what my body might need, but thank you!!