That 'click'

h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
Now that I'm starting to have a pretty good degree of success with my diet (down about 70 pounds of the 95 in my original goal) I am starting to get some people who ask me for what I'm doing, and how they can lose weight too.

Unfortunately, the most important part of the entire process is something that I don't think can be shared.

Back in April of this year I saw a video of myself on the web. I was being interviewed for some of my industry takes. I couldn't believe how big I'd gotten. I immediately thought, 'I've got to do something.' For my wife, my kids, myself, my career. I went through a few stages... should I get surgery? Can some pills magically make it better? It took a couple of days, but I decided no... I need to change my lifestyle. Once I realized that something just clicked in my head.

I'm not going to try anymore. I'm just going to do it.

That single decision, that no matter how long it took I was going to lose this weight. That moment is the only key that really mattered in whether my weight loss journey would be a success or a failure.

So, when people ask me for my 'secret' I feel kind of handcuffed. I don't want to say, "Sorry, nothing I say will matter unless you decide it's time to do it." I usually say something like, "motivation is the biggest key" then tell them to track their food.

Anyway, I sure wish there were a way to give that 'click' to folks. To go from wanting to lose weight to KNOW I'm going to lose weight, that's the step that mattered the most to me. That's the real magic in this weight loss thing.


  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Well said!
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    I like this. For me it was the same basic idea. From going "I want to get in shape" to simply getting up every morning and doing something about it, that is the key, no big agenda, complex plan, just every day, go do it. Plus better eating of course.
  • tawojcik
    tawojcik Posts: 67
    That question always hems me up to and I feel like my answer of changing diet and doing more exercise just sounds trite.
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    Looovee this post!! :) Thanks for this, I feel the same way. It really is a personal choice but I so wish I could hand that 'click' out to all my friends who are unhappy with their body and out of shape but lack the drive.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yes, I have been getting a lot of this. I have 2 answers:
    1) I always said that when I had all the time in the world I would be a skinny ***** too, I finally made all the time in the world.
    2) Food and exercise, I joined mfp and took my lifestyle choices serious for a change.
  • Cheermamasita
    Cheermamasita Posts: 40 Member
    Very well said. I think you are right on. It is as individual as a fingerprint. Each of us has our own "clicker", hopefully some epiphany and or realization that a change needs to occur and that we are the "driver" of that change; only then will the changes involved almost seem "easy". But until that "click" happens it is such a struggle, isn't it? Once the acceptance is made and the denial is shed, one can move ahead with determination, and just take one day/meal at a time... You are an inspiration!:flowerforyou:
  • valucarelli
    valucarelli Posts: 15 Member
    I totally agree. I had the click too, the "ah haa" moment. It's different for everyone, and everyone just has to experience it for themselves. So it really is hard to express this to others. I would maybe just tell people that it's quite mental, and they have to really, really want it before it will happen. They have to do more than want it! (Like you said, they have to know it will happen!)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I get a little po'd when people ask for meal plans and what foods. The point of a new lifestyle is to educate and learn. Most people are just looking for the quick way but don't want to put any effort into it. But when they fail they are the first ones to put it down.
    I had a teacher in college who said " When the student is ready, the teacher will come". It is true in every aspect of life. People will do what they want until they are ready. No matter how much you tell them.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I read this and had to laugh.

    My moment wasn't a choice so much as it was me standing in the grocery store reading the ingredient list for every single thing I put in my cart to make sure there was no gluten and realizing if I ate fresh veggies and good meats I wouldn't have to read the ingredient lists anymore. I am only a little lazy, also veggies/meat = easier to fit into a back pack and metro home with than half full bags/boxes of crap. Then I found out I was lactose intolerant so my cheat foods were gone. And then I was bored at night and my best friend was just *poof* gone and I was pounding pavement so I wasn't crying. And here I am. Eating right, running, and just choosing to be happier than I had been. And it seems to be working.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Well said!

    I love the "click". Its a life changing in that instant. I finally started doing something about my weight 6 or 7 weeks ago by joining MFP, but I was just finding ways to fit my junk food into my calorie limit, or I would just cheat and not care. And then the "click" happened. No real reason, it just did one day. I put down the junk food, picked up an apple, stopped mindelessly snacking and now it come naturally, most of the time.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Now I just need to market and sell my "Click" diet and I'll be a MILLIONAIRE!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Same thing for me too. Wife left (for reasons unrelated to me or my weight).

    Click...I don't want to be this person anymore.

    And it's done.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    To go from wanting to lose weight to KNOW I'm going to lose weight, that's the step that mattered the most to me. That's the real magic in this weight loss thing.

    Exactly! That's how it was for me too. All at once I just knew I was going to change everything and that there was no backing out or going back. I was going to get healthy, period.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I agree! It was the same with me when I quit smoking. It just clicked and I decided it was time. It was the same with my weightloss this year. This is just my time and I am going to do it.