Hey ya'll!!

Hey! So my name is Sara and I'm starting myfitnesspal to lose weight for my wedding in September! I've done myfitnesspal before but started it on my ipod touch so I never new the boards and everything existed...hopefully some of you guys out there can keep me motivated!! My fiance started Phentramine but it makes me nervous so I'm out to show him that you can lose weight without a pill or over-the-top food restrictions! :) Any advice and suggestions are welcome and appreciated! :happy:



  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    the boards are a great community! i have found them very supportive! im adding you as a friend. if you need anything just shoot me a message! and good luck and congrats of the wedding!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    it really comes down to the basics, eat your 5 fruits and veggies a day, drink water, excersise, and limit your carbs at dinner. I tried phentermine last summer, convinced it would change my whole life, lost ten pounds in a couple days and gained it all back plus some. it is all about changing your way of thinking and learning to fuel your body with the things it needs.