Gaining respect for yourself, spiritual exercise

Hi guys. I struggle with loving myself. I practice daily affirmations and try hard to tell myself positive things instead of focusing on the flaws that everyone can so easily find within themselves. Since November 2009, I have been following the blogs and videos of a fitness oriented couple who run the website They have free workouts that are intense and difficult, but today, I checked their page and found this instead. An exercise for your mind and spirit. I was intrigued, and read through it very surprised to find such simple directions. The exercise was tough for me, but I did it.

I suggest grabbing a pencil/pen and a piece (or 2) of paper and reading the following excerpt. Writing your response is much more helpful to you than typing it. It is good to feel your response as a tangible thing, it is good to see it in your hand, to hold it over your head triumphantly, to post it on your door and see it each and every day. It is just better to have it on paper than file for this exercise.

I hope some of you give it a try. I hope many of you read it, even if you don't do the 'exercise' today.

Here is the excerpt from the blog:

"This week’s challenge: Write your own personal introduction.

Step One: Start by jotting down everything that you have accomplished over your life – all the highlights and events that you felt proud of or that you felt you did well. Nothing is too small or too big. You may remember hitting your first home run, learning to tie your shoe, landing that new job, teaching your child to ride a bicycle, being an amazing cook, or becoming a BodyRocker. It doesn’t have to be anything that anyone else may have even noticed but it was something that made you feel good about yourself at the time.

Step Two: When you finish your list write down the qualities and characteristics that you possessed or developed that allowed you to accomplish these things.

Step Three: In a short paragraph describing who you are, what you like to do and what you care about – referring to your list see if you can identify any general themes, circumstances or activities that have emerged as you completed the exercise. Dedicate your self to feeling good about yourself more often. Now identify one thing that you would still like to accomplish. Post your paragraph in the comments if you feel comfortable sharing."

A link to the full blog for further reading:


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Now identify one thing that you would still like to accomplish.

    I would like to accomplish this thing: I would like to go to bed every night feeling that I did good that day. Feeling like that day was not wasted, but cherished.