Best Weight Loss Advice You Have Been Given



  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I don't know that I have any single one piece of great advice...but I'll list a few and feel free to use them if it helps.

    1. Its often not what you eat, but how much you eat. Someone explained to me that your dinner plate should be 2/3rds veggies, 1/4 starches and the remainder lean meat.

    2. Know Your Portions. Portion control helped me lose a large amount of my weight... I used to eat a huge 12 oz TBone and now know I should only have a 1/3 rd of that. A portion of lean meat should only be about the size of a deck of cards. A portion of cheese is only about the size of your thumb etc.

    3. Know that thirst and hunger are often mistaken for each other. If think I am hungry, I'll have a glass of water and wait 10 minutes.

    4. Identify why you eat. When do you eat? Can you change the behavior to reduce your intake? In my case,if I felt the munchies coming on... I would go for a walk. You can't eat when you aren't next to the refrigerator.

    5. Move it to lose it. See above. I have travelled over 2800 Km since I changed my lifestyle. Some of it running, some of it walking. But If you see my wife, tell her I am ok and will eventually make it home. :laugh:

    6. Exercise is as good a cure for many of life's problems as any medicine will ever provide. Exercise builds muscle, flushes toxins, burns fat, makes you more attractive to the opposite sex and reduces stress. I doubt you could find a single pill that will do all of these things for you.

    7. Read the label on everything... sometimes it helps knowing what crap you are putting into your body. If you can't pronounce it, is it really good for you?

    8. Put your fork down between bites. It will help you feel satisied on less food and actually gives you more time to talk with the people you love.

    9. Remember to Play. As adults we get so engrossed with work, that we often forget to play. When we play, we tend to be active and enjoy life more.

    10. Don't go shopping while hungry... you are more likely to buy the bad stuff like cookies and ice cream and donuts when you are hungry.

    11. Don't give in to temptation... Earn it! Reasonably rewarding yourself for exercise and weight loss is OK! When you don't reward yourself, you open yourself up to failure. Just be reasonable. Eating a quart of Baskin Robbins for losing a pound just isn't reasonable.

    Anyways... just a few things I have learned in my quest to be a smaller me. I hope someone can use these.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Being a mom, the best advice I have gotten, given and use daily is - "noone will be saved from starvation by the scraps of food left on your child's plate." One bite of mac and cheese, the crust from a slice of pizza, one chip - it all adds up and doesn't taste so great anyway. Leave it, let the kids scrape it into the trash or give it to the dogs.

    So true - my mother always said you are not your child's trash can...

    Favorite one so far and my own new motto! "I am not my children's trash can!" Thanks for that one!! :laugh:
  • katijjane
    katijjane Posts: 57 Member
    i haven't got any advice but i love all these so much! thanks guys :) may go print them out and stick them on the fridge now haha
  • _Jessica_
    _Jessica_ Posts: 216 Member