should I settle for my body's set point? How to break it?

mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Do you believe your body can just reach a set point and then just stop showing results? I know it sounds like a plateau but I am not trying to cop out of putting in the time and effort, but my body is just staying nicely put at 173

Not a weight I want to settle with but I could low carb it, switch it up exercise like a fiend and then zig zag all over the place fast or eat and still 173.

After weeks of being good 173 and yesterdays ice cream and kit kat fest still 173...I am not saying I do this regularly or plan to eat well and then blow it on a bender regularly either,, but what I am saying is 173 no matter what I do folks. It's not a theory I want to keep testing out to gain weight...but no matter what I do 173

Spin, 173, High intensity time on the treadmill and 173, weights, resting, vacation, diet and exercise and then a slip or two and still 173.

Is it just me or has my body just said, " Listen girl, no matter what you do, we are liking 173 so get used to size 12 and forget losing any more weight right now" Maybe around the holidays you will gain weight but losing right now is not an option.

One theory a trainer told me is because I am already conditioned, my body needs more....more what...I do an hour a day as it is and that is thankfully because all the kids can nap or occupy themselves or I get free babysitting at the gym and believe me that time is not wasted chatting it up between machines.

I have a heartrate monitor that gets its use and I go home drenched.

Am I doing something wrong or should I settle for 173 or do I need to think about the 90 min a day theory the trainer was trying to tell me about....I can't really imagine spending MORE time on my body at the gym....I have a life for God's sake and 3 kids and no no full time job but I don't want to make my workout my full time job.

I know I am never going to be a bikini model, so what gives?



  • cameralinds
    cameralinds Posts: 239
    I've also stayed the same weight for some time now, about four years, with a miner fluctuation of about five pounds. I'll be interested to read some of the responses.

    I know I've done some reading on Homeostasis, it's our body's "set point." where everything is balanced. But I'm not sure if it's regarding body weight, or just elements within our bodies. *needs to read more*
  • I'm also interested in this topic, I've got stuck at 126/128 multiple times over the past year or so and I am here now at 126 again, wondering if this is my body's "natural weight", if such a thing exists. I wouldn't mind getting to 123 or 124, but I'm pretty flexible and not going to stress over it.
    I'm curious to hear some responses so I'll keep an eye on this thread!
  • MamaMayo
    MamaMayo Posts: 30
    I too am a Mom/Wife, I work when school is in session. Don't give up on yourself but on the other hand don't make exercise a full time job. They say it's good to workout 1 hr. a day 5 days a week, your body needs down time. Also, I never eat all the calroies that I burn in exercise, I do consume over (calorie goal) sometimes because you have to give yourself "fuel" to continue going. I make up for my mistakes on other days, I personally think that's it's just our bodies talking to us trying to challenge us to give up. I myself will probably never be a bikini model, but I would like to drop another 15-17 pds., I as well feel that this is it. I will not give up, I believe that one day my goal is in reach no matter how long it takes me. I think maybe just some positive things for you might help you get where you would like to be...

    I don't know if I helped you or confused you even more, I wish you the best of luck! Keep me posted on how successful you are, maybe something that you are doing might work for me. P.S. Keep in mind, the more you workout the muscle you create, muscle will always weight more than fat. I do weight myself on occasion, trying not to get discouraged but I have learnt that pictures and the way clothes fit me tell me how far I have come. Also, compliments I get from my friends. I had a friend yesterday that apologized to me for not reconginizing who I was, I took it a "good" way. :)
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    thanks all I get it and won't give up but am just seemingly there and "there" is farther away from where I wanted to be in body fat and measurements and everything. No reason to start a pig out fest or drop the workouts, but maybe will just worry about it all a little less.

    i do switch it up and do as much as I can, so who knows maybe it's just being patient long enough to see results happen, but so far still waiting.
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