struggling abroad! help!

cdalt24 Posts: 55
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
hey guys! so I'm in spain right now and currently stressing out a lot. I have not had any time to go on runs, which I usually do every day. I have been walking everywhere all day, but I'm still worried about my lack of exercise. I've been eating relatively healthy, but definitely very different from what I eat at home. I'm going to be here for about two and a half more weeks, and I'm just really afraid that I'm going to gain some weight back after I've been working really hard to lose it. I've already been here for five days, will five days of no running and being health conscious but not necessarily strict affect my diet? thanks guys, any advice is appreciated!


  • britt_fit
    britt_fit Posts: 169
    Whoa, I can completely relate!!! I studied abroad in Spain too for a semester and I was super worried about gaining weight. I'm also a runner and definitely didn't run as much as I would have like while I was over there. If your town is anything like Seville, people walk EVERYWHERE! Take advantage of that and it will save you. I ended up walking at least an hour every day. Often friends and I would just go out walking at night or in the late afternoons.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    I know how you feel. I went to Australia this past Christmas for three weeks. I ate mostly healthy, but had days of too many calories..but we walked everywhere. By the time we got home, I had

    Enjoy your time in Spain. Sounds like you will be fine.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I agree with the person above. Walk as much as you can! I'm sure you're walking tons already... There are plenty of workouts you can follow along with on YouTube as well.
  • meganotravels
    meganotravels Posts: 7 Member
    if you're walking a whole lot, i don't think it'll make a difference.

    i went to italy for a summer and ate everything in sight (pasta, gelato, bread, etc.), but didn't end up gaining a pound because i walked absolutely everywhere.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    hey, youre so lucky to be on holiday in a sunny place!!

    youre doing lots of walking , so what if it's not in 'exercise mode'? it still counts!! drink lots of water, also you are careful what you eat, but youre also on holiday, so enjoy it without stressing, you are doing the right things and making sensible choices. if you do add a few extra lbs, then it dosn't matter, when you get back, look at your exercise goals and get to work!

    have a great time and don't stress!!

    (P.s..drink LOADS and LOADS of water!!)
  • 2 quesitons.
    1. Is your walking semi in the same realm of calories and daily frequency as your running?
    2. Do you normally eat your calories back after you excercise? If so, i'd suggest not eating your walking calories.

    With that being said, I'm jealous.
    It's a vacation, Enjoy your time and don't stress about it. I'm sure you'll be fine.
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