H20 challenge!



  • Janelle_Teaches
    Oh, forgot to update! I had 11 glasses of water yesterday, and 12 oz of diet coke. Serious improvement for me, considering I used to drink about 8 oz of LIQUID a day. Somedays I used to not drink anything at all. Not even a sip. Lol?? My doctor isn't very happy with me: I'm very dehydrated. Last week was my first week that I've ever had 8 oz of water each day. It was a struggle, but I think I can do this now! I've already gotten in 9 glasses today.

    Wednesday, July 6: 11 glasses

    Awesome job making the change and sticking with it!! :) I'm so happy you got in 11 yest. and 11 today! whoa! Your a little guppy now!! :)
  • Janelle_Teaches
    I soooo have to join this, drinking water is not my favorite:/

    Mine either!! :) lol..I have to think about what I drink before I pick up the diet dr pepper...I think (hm. have I had one today?...if i drink this I will not be thirsty for a few hours and i won't make my water intake..then I think ..wait..this will be SO much better with a meal..lets just have a water now and save this for dinner!)

    you can do this!! :) I also put a little MiO in my water so it has some flavor and dosn't taste like water (if that makes any sense...)

    Join on!! 10 glasses a day till the end of the week! :)
  • Janelle_Teaches
    Count me in too! It's gonna be tough for me, but I think it will help me eat less.... I am off tomarrow, so I will be near a bathroom all day.... lol! Let's do this!

    Yeah for the potty near by!! lol :) I agree..I lowered my calorie intake today..and with all the water I'm not feeling the "ah...i'm so hungry I could eat Tippy (which is a cow in the field next to my neighborhod..)!!"

    You got this!! :)
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I soooo have to join this, drinking water is not my favorite:/

    Mine either!! :) lol..I have to think about what I drink before I pick up the diet dr pepper...I think (hm. have I had one today?...if i drink this I will not be thirsty for a few hours and i won't make my water intake..then I think ..wait..this will be SO much better with a meal..lets just have a water now and save this for dinner!)

    I do the same thing! :) Trying to save diet sodas for meals (especially meals out, since I've also vowed on cutting back on the number of times I go out to eat with the fam) because otherwise, I get stuck with like 6 glasses of water to drink right before bed. Now that sucks! :noway: :sick: :drinker:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Wednesday, July 6: 11 glasses
    Thursday, July 7: 11 glasses
  • ActiveTami
    ActiveTami Posts: 33 Member
    Great Job Ladies!!! Keep it up. I will not join your challenge because it would be too easy for me since i LOVE water. No really I do! I thought I would offer some advice and motivation though...

    As far as the glass... Yes I do have a glass or two that I use all the time that I know are about 32oz. I drink two or three of them a day. The are getting harder to find. Lately I have been finding 20oz glasses. I usually get them at stores like Target. For me, having the bigger glass makes it easier because I don't loose track on my counting as much and I don't have to refill it as much. It is also a good idea, as someone already said, to keep your glass or water bottle near you.

    Once you get hydrated you will stop needing to pee as much. I had a nutritionist tell me this... Think of an old dried out plant and a healthy green plant. If you water them what happens? The healthy plant soaks up the water and uses it for nutrients. The water passes right through the dried out plant. It will get easier to drink all that water as you "practice" drinking it regularly everyday. You will also start to notice when you need water too because you will be more in tune with the signals.

    Stay motivated... it will pay off in the end and you will feel better! All of you will be great at reaching this goal!!!
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    I just upped mine to ten two days ago. It really does make me feel better! I'm going to keep with it...thanks for posting this!
  • dashbeaujippers
    dashbeaujippers Posts: 104 Member
    Checking in... only had 8 glasses today plus one cup of tea, but that is way more than usual. I usually get 4 or 5 glasses, plus 1 cup of tea in the morning... I'll try for 10 again tomarrow.... good job to everyone who was successful... I will start early with the water tomarrow, maybe skip the tea. Wish me luck.... :)
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Checking in! Today I had 13 glasses. :smile: Proud of that!
  • Janelle_Teaches
    I just upped mine to ten two days ago. It really does make me feel better! I'm going to keep with it...thanks for posting this!

    good job!!! :) i've got four more to get in before bed..time to guzzle! lol ..i was a little bad today....but i will still get in my water..even if i wake up and puddle al ot tonight..it will teach me to drink more in the morning!! :)

    (why did i do bad..okay..this is going to sound INSANE..but i got up this morning..worked out at 8:30..went to a friend's house at 9:15..we were cutting coupons and organizing them..and i was checking the laptop computer for the time..weeelll at 12 the laptop said 9:30...and i was like.wow..time is going so slow!!! so i didn't drink as much as i was going to!!! haha..i'm a dweeb sometimes!) :)
  • Janelle_Teaches
    Checking in... only had 8 glasses today plus one cup of tea, but that is way more than usual. I usually get 4 or 5 glasses, plus 1 cup of tea in the morning... I'll try for 10 again tomarrow.... good job to everyone who was successful... I will start early with the water tomarrow, maybe skip the tea. Wish me luck.... :)

    8 is AWESOME if you normally only get 4 or 5!! keep up the good work..remember take it one glass at a time:) you can do this!!
  • Janelle_Teaches
    Checking in! Today I had 13 glasses. :smile: Proud of that!

    wow!! go little guppy!!! 13 is awesome job!! :) keep it up!!!
  • Janelle_Teaches
    I did it! had to drink four right..now..but that's okay!! they are in..and i'm going to puddle alll night long..but that's okay :) hehe.i'll learn my lesson!!!

    good luck tomorrow!!!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I'm soo proud! I've had 12 cups of water already today and it's only 1:30pm! I'm trying to get extra water in today to help make up for the alcoholic beverages I'll be consuming tonight since it's my best friend's birthday. :laugh:
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    This is my fifth day of ten-plus glasses of delicious H2O. Feeling great! Keep it up!
  • FitDC
    FitDC Posts: 63
    I drink 16 oz after breakfast by taking large drinks after each vitamin and supplement. Then try to drink 8oz on the way to work. Depending on the crazy temperature in the office 8 to 16oz more before and during lunch.
  • Janelle_Teaches
    I'm soo proud! I've had 12 cups of water already today and it's only 1:30pm! I'm trying to get extra water in today to help make up for the alcoholic beverages I'll be consuming tonight since it's my best friend's birthday. :laugh:

    Good job!!! 12 by 1:30 is amazing ..i was still at 4 then!;)
  • Janelle_Teaches
    This is my fifth day of ten-plus glasses of delicious H2O. Feeling great! Keep it up!

    whoo hoo!! nice job!!! :) its amazing how nice it is to get in to much water...!
  • Janelle_Teaches
    I drink 16 oz after breakfast by taking large drinks after each vitamin and supplement. Then try to drink 8oz on the way to work. Depending on the crazy temperature in the office 8 to 16oz more before and during lunch.

    good job ;) keep itu p!
  • Janelle_Teaches
    Allright everyone! it's the home stretch!! :) Tomorrow..is Sunday!! ...last day of the challenge!! :)

    I will say today 10 didn't seem so....high! lol :) I had a couple of 'small ' victories today..1. After I was finished grocery shopping I usually get a diet dr. pepper for the drive home..today..nope..i had a water! :) ...and it was so good!

    2. I haven't used MiO at all today (what..wait? really...yes really!) :) feeling good!!

    Keep up the great job!!