Hi! I'm Jesi

My name is Jesi, I am 27 yrs old. I have been married to my best friends for a little over 2 years. I am in my second year of college at Ashford University Online working toward my Bachelor's Degree in Sociology. I have 2 amazing children Aiden Tyler, she will be six in Sept. and Alexander Lee, he will be 2 next month.

During my second pregnancy I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes -AFTER- my son was born! I put on a lot of weight that I am still trying to get off. i am only 3 lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight but I was over weight to begin with.

I have recently become obsessed with Zumba Fitness, which I do twice a week at a local gym with some co-workers. It is SOO much fun but is not enough to impact my weight issue.

I have no support system when it comes to losing weight. My husband is one of those people who can eat anything he wants and it never affects him, so he does not feel the need to diet and my kids, well they are kids and VERY picky.

I am hoping to meet new people with the same goals in mind to keep me on the right track!

I am done being a fat girl!!!! I will lose weight!!! :happy:

I am pretty much an open book so if you want to know something feel free to ask!


  • Marcieb21
    Marcieb21 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi Jesi, and welcome! MFP has definitely helped me in my weight loss journey. I also have been doing some zumba, but just with the movies at home, and I love it! Good luck on your journey! Also, you can friend me if you want :D
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Hey Jesi! You've come to the right place to lose weight! This site is an amazing tool.
    I also have 2 kids and a hubby who eats whatever he wants! He is 160 lbs.....sucks that my hubbie is smaller than me, but not for long!! Good luck to you! Feel free to add me as a friend for extra support.
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    Welcome!! You have found a major tool for losing weight. This site has help me watch what I eat and to be more active. I like it here. :o) Good Luck to you and feel free to add me also if you want.