Question about Eating Small Amt of Food that isn't Good For



  • loseweight1971
    :happy: If it works for you then go for it. Everyone is different, dont give yourself a hard time, life is to short. Enjoy little but often and if you have a treat enjoy it. Otherwise there is no point in having it.
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it! What you are doing works for you so keep at it :-)

    Congrats on the 36lbs and extra energy and being able to do more!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    You are SO right! Don't listen to him.

    Not only is what you are doing WORKING (which is evidence enough!), but a cheat day can really hurt you. It does have the potential to help by messing with your metabolism a bit, but it doesn't need to be a crazy day where you eat like a maniac.

    There are studies that have been done that say that depriving and denying yourself are sure ways to failure. I wish I could find a link for it now. But it basically said that you try to fill the void of that craving with a bunch of other things that don't satisfy you, and more often than not, you eat that thing in the end anyway. It would have been much better for your diet to just eat what you wanted, in a controlled portion, in the first place, instead of eating all the other things first.

    Everything in moderation. This is a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet, and there will always be less than healthy foods that you are going to want in life. The key is learning how to control the amount of them that you eat. And it honestly sounds like you have done that.

    Keep doing what you are doing, and don't worry about it. You weren't asking him for help or advice, and you know that being able to do what you do (having small tastes) helps you to stay on track. Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • aflfox
    aflfox Posts: 4
    Nothing works for 100% of the people 100% of the time. Each of us tries to find what works to bring results for us, and more importantly, what we can honestly stick with. Consistency has always been my downfall on my weight roller coaster. So now, it's easy does it, one day at a time. No gung-ho, then burn out, fizzle out, and make excuses again until the next wave of motivation hits me. I don't always exercise. I do eat junk food. I don't always get in all the veggies I should everyday. But thats why I'm here to start with. Apples were never my problem, ya know? I am who I am and it takes time to create new habits. You know this from your tremendous results. Nobody is perfect and we don't need to be. We just need to do the best we can day by day... Some days we're stronger than others. But log it in, forget about it, go to sleep, and the morning brings a clean slate. I really try to stick to 1200 calories everyday, and I've gotten the hang of it now and it's not hard anymore. But it took time, as I'm sure it did with you. Some of my 1200 everyday will be rice crispy treats, a butterfinger, fries, chips or ice cream. But I bank those calories knowing I'll need them for my treat at some point in the day. And that's what keeps me coming back. Free days always killed me. It got me out of my logging-in habit cuz I didn't want to admit everything I ate, it made me feel like the old me, and it came with a heaping side of guilt and indigestion. I love the concept if them, and wish they worked for me... But I recognize that I need consistent routine to bring consistent results. Keep doing whats been working for you. Half the battle is finding just that! Congrats on your transformation! :)
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    yeah, my boyfriend and I kept bingeing for a while every single night, so we allowed ourselves a cheat day once a month, and the first month came along... oh boy. We were good for the whole month, and then the cheat day came, and it turned into another cheat month! I do not think that cheat days are necessary, because once you start eating sweets, your body craves more. But I do think that it is important to eat a little bit of the things you really want! So i totally agree!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    I've read a bit about this and there is some scientific reasoning behind your son's approach. However, you have to be practical too. If you would find it difficult to eat perfectly clean for six days, then having a small treat here and there throughout your week is probably the best approach for YOU. If you hit a plateau that just won't break, maybe you should try his example. But, in the meantime, if it ain't broke, why fix it? Congratulations on changing your life (and your son's too....what a great example you've set and a true gift you've given HIM too.)
  • shanice_22
    shanice_22 Posts: 202 Member
    I don't really have cheat days either, I just allow myself to have a treat and try to keep it within my calorie count (didn't quite work on Sunday though I had a bit of a binge lol but only put on 1lb, obviously not as good as losing 1lb but still better than putting on 2lb or 5lb).

    Yesterday I had chicken selects from mcdonald's and a skinny cow ice cream, but because I did exercise I was under my calorie goal. Though I probably diminished my exercise by eating what I did lol :-P but when I started I wasn't allowing myself ANY of my favourite things and then I found my cravings got too much and I'd end up going on a binge at the weekend and then almost giving up, so I'd say it is definitely better to allow yourself a small treat within your calorie goal than to binge on a "cheat day".
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    If you are able to eat a small amount and stop, then go for it! I always say the first bite tastes the best.
    For some people (me) certain foods trigger binge eating. I don't necessarily agree that you can't deny yourself things you want for your entire life. Sometimes I think it is the only way to take it off and keep it off. I have done this so many times and so many times I have relaxed and had a little bit of something or another that has led to a lot of something else and so on. This time I am saying that there are definitely foods I cannot eat any more if I want to be successful and keep it off. I'm like a junkie or an alcoholic. I can't have just a few chips, or just one piece of chocolate. I accept that and I'm moving on. I'm not deprived, I am enlightened, aware and accepting. It's like when I quit smoking. I knew I couldn't have an occasional cigarette. I also know I can't have just a bite of certain things.
    I guess my point is that it is different for everyone and you have to find what works for you... obviously you have! That's great! Keep going!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    In my past experience, I have found that my "cheat day" turns into "cheat days" and it pushes me off my path quite a bit faster than a small snack here or there. If I have enough calories left in my daily allotment, I always allow myself something small, say for dessert, but I try and include something healthy with it. (For example this evening I ate a banana but put 1 T of peanut butter and 2 T of melted chocolate on it). I find that if I allow myself a bite or two, I'm not tempted to eat an entire chocolate cake on my "cheat day". Hope this helps :)

    I agree with this, it is easier for me to have tastes of things, a day can turn into days too easily for me. I try an plan around the days I know will be tough (e.g. family get togethers) but I do not deny myself treats in small amounts. Everyone is different and we should do what works for us.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Do what works for you! Sneak a little something every now and again as a reward for your continued weight loss. Sounds like you are on a great track right now with losing. I am also not a big fan of cheat days, in fact, they are my arch-nemesis because one cheat day has a way of leading to more cheat days. The cheat day might feel good in the moment but the next day I feel terrible and guilty. I'd rather stick to the plan and follow the lifestyle change daily than to be ultra good 6 days, bad 1 day, ultra good 6 days, bad 1 day and so on. Its easier to just be good everyday while also enjoying life and treating yourself to a small portion of something every now and again. Besides if I am under calories by a significant amount then why not a treat for my hard work?
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your great responses!! I feel confident in knowing that so many others are doing the same as I am. :glasses:

    This is working for me - a whole cheat day, not only doesn't even appeal to me - sounds like it would be my gateway to binge!! I don't like that mindset at all - while I know, understand completely, that it worked for him - and that's great. But we are all made different.

    Will continue doing what I'm doing.

    Again - thanks to all for sharing w/me. It really helps!! :bigsmile:
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    I just have to say what a wonderful bunch of kids you have! They are so caring and loving. My son moved back in a few months ago after losing a job and not finding another one. He just finished his first year of College and did so well. He calls himself my diet coach and is always so encouraging and helpful. I know that's what your children have in mind also. We are blessed. ;-)