Protein intake

tmd01029 Posts: 12
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Until I started tracking my food here, I really never knew if I was eating the right mix of foods. I have always been pretty good about calorie intake but was always under the assumption I should eat a little more protein. Come to find out from this food diary I am alway over on Protein and under on my carbs. Is this ok? My calories are usually ok or a little under.



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    The protein level on MFP is way too low. Most people here need much more than what is suggested. Increase your protein and decrease your carbs. Use the Search function and search for Protein and you will find a whole bunch of posts asking the exact same question with much more detailed answers.
  • natekorpusik
    natekorpusik Posts: 176 Member
    Protein is good for you. Especially if you are exercising. Think of it as a building block for muscle and strength. MFP underestimates protein by a lot. I upped mine to 30% instead of the standard 15%. Don't sweat going over.
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    Similar MFP thread here:

    Contains some good info.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    This is fine, MFP sets protein to 15%, where a balanced diet consists of protein from 10-30% (20-30 for those that workout), and MFP sets Carbs at 55%, a balanced diet consists of carbs from 45-60%. The top end of carbs would be more geared at for endurance athletes, most people are fine with 45-55% carbs.
  • The protein level on MFP is way too low. Most people here need much more than what is suggested.

    Especially if you're doing any strength training! Protein is vital to rebuilding muscle after vigorous exercise.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    You definitely need more protein if you are regularly active. I am always over on my protein and under on carbs. I am also hypogylcemic so, I have to eat more protein than I do carbs or my blood sugar will drop tremendously!
  • Carbs are energy and brain food, the #1 choice of your body for fuel to keep you moving and thinking. Many people have the misconception that carbohydrates should comprise one of the smallest parts of our diets when they are actually a substantial part of a balanced diet. Individuals who get little to moderate exercise (30 min or LESS per day) need about six ounces of carbs daily (1 ounce = 1/2 cup cooked rice). Those who are more active should get more. The danger with carbohydrates is our tendency to eat a lot of refined foods in place of nutrient rich whole grains and items high in dietary fiber. Don't be afraid to get your recommended allowance of carbohydrates - Carbs Are NOT Bad! But make sure you're eating foods like brown rice and whole wheat pasta over white bread, bleached flour, donuts, potato chips, etc. Manipulating your carbohydrate intake can be helpful if you are trying to lose weight, but it is important not to cut out carbs completely. Those who are undertaking strenuous fitness programs (like P90X, Insanity, etc) often need to go over their recommended daily allowance of protein (between 5 and 6.5 ounces daily) as they are focused on redefining/building muscle. Protein is your body's 2nd choice (behind carbs) as a source for energy, but your brain does not use protein for energy, it needs carbs. Maintenance of a healthy weight along with an active lifestyle requires a substantial intake of carbohydrates in order to supply adequate energy to the body. Bottom line is play with the numbers to help with your goals, like more protein when building muscles, less carbs for weight loss/ fat burning, but remember balance is important. Any diet that completely excludes any one of the food groups is not healthy.
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