On my 1 millionth weight loss journey.

Hi everyone! My name is Lisa and I just joined today. Like most (or all) of you, I have tried and tried to lose weight. I was successful at one point. 5 years ago, I weighed 427 pounds. A heart attack scare and trip to the ER woke me up. I currently weight 293 pounds. So, I have lost alot, but I have struggled the last 2 years to find my mojo that worked so well before. I am hoping I can find it here. I am trying lots of new things like actually writing everything down (food, exercise and emotions), I started a blog online at eblogger that I am hoping will help. But the biggest thing I think that has perked me up is last night as I was getting ready for work, I pulled a pair of slacks out of the closet and put them on and realized after that this was a pair slacks that I haven't been able to wear in years. So, I am hoping to hang on to that little tidbit of happiness. I'm really glad to be here and I hope I make lots of friends!! :happy:


  • BigAL456
    BigAL456 Posts: 56
    MFP is great! and so is the support. You can do anything to put your mind to. if you'd like added support feel free to add me.