Jillian's 30 Day Shred Feedback

Hey All - I was wondering about Jillian's 30 Day Shred. I am looking for something new and I have seen a lot of people on MFP talking about this DVD so I wanted to get some feedback on it. I have lost 30lbs so far and I have not lost any weight in 4 weeks. I feel I need to change up my routine. What do you think of this DVD? How are the results? Does the DVD use any equipment?

Thanks! ~Nichole


  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    if you have already been working out you might want to try Ripped in 30 instead. I did Shred back in Jan when I first started working out (and I thought I was going to die!!) and then did a few days just this past month and its way easy now. Ripped in 30 is killing me!! :)
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm on Day 8 and I love it so far. All you need are some hand weights and a mat if your are exercising on a hard surface.
    I think you can search youtube for a 'preview' to get an idea of what you will be doing. Including warm-up before and stretching after it is about 27 minutes. There are 3 levels and the the main workout is 3 reps of 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio, 1 minute abs. Doesn't sound like much but it will make you sweat!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I was in a basically 6 month plateau, so I went back to Jillian's Shred. Haven't in a many many months....

    Anyway - I just finished day 24 straight - level 3/day 4 a few min ago. The scale is finally showing results...lost 4 lbs so far. And I measured at day 15 and have lost 2 inches already.

    If you start it, you will be sore the first 5-6 days, but stick with it & eventually the pain goes away & you will get the hang of it.
  • Frumpy2Fit
    Frumpy2Fit Posts: 137 Member
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    it really depends on what level you are at as far as exercise. i tried it when i first bought it back in january and thought i was going to die. it's no secret that jillian michael's is evil! :wink: i have been working out hard since then and have done some pretty advanced level workouts so i attempted 30ds again last week and i still want to kill her! lol some people swear by it so i would recommend looking it up on youtube to see what you are in for. lots of jumping jacks which bore me to death. i have also heard that to truly see results you have to do it every day for the 30 days. it cant be something you want to turn on when you dont feel like driving to the gym. hope this helps!
  • mackemshazza
    mackemshazza Posts: 87 Member
    I'm on Day 18 which means Day 8 of Level 2, and love it, it's hard (for me) and will make you sweat almost immediately! But it burns the calories right off you and I could see a difference in my body within a week, it started to tone me up from the start, and I now feel a lot stronger.

    I'd recommend it.
  • I LOVE the 30 Day Shred! It works! But like lorinjer, it's what I started out with so it is a lot easier now. I too thought I might die! :p I have 5/6 of Jillian's DVD's, & love them all. (The one I don't have is Shred it With Weights-not really into that). My FAVORITE is her Six Week Six Pack. That is my most troublesome area, so I do it a lot, & that one is the most fun for me! She is hilarious, & the music & moves are really motivating! :)
    It is a good idea to change up your routine. After so long your body just goes into muscle memory & it's not really work anymore. Best of luck to you! :)
  • Foufou82
    Foufou82 Posts: 9 Member
    I asked some questions about this work out in another thread, but never got an answer. Hoping someone here could give me some insight.

    My biggest concern is that I ride my bike to work 2 days a week. It's an 11 mi ride in total there and back. How baddly will missing the shred workout these days mess up my progress?

    Also, what happens once you finish all 10days at all 3 levels? Do you start over from the beginning again or find a new workout?

    I'd really like to know since I'm thinking about buying the DVD this weekend.
  • Nichole1981
    Nichole1981 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for the feedback!! I looked up the 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 on youtube and I think I might try the Ripped in 30 first. (I will probably buy both DVDs) I have been working out for over a year both running and strength training. I ran my first 1/2 marathon in May and I have continued my running program and I strength train 3 days a week. I am going on vacation in the middle of august so I would like to try the Ripped in 30 to see if I can notice any results before vacation. I also looked at a bunch of posts on here (MFP) about the Ripped in 30 and a lot of members had some great results so I am very excited to start something new!! :happy: The only bummer is I work out at a gym so I will have to purchase some weights to do the DVD.

    To Foufou82 - from the searches I have done...it seems like to get the best results you do the DVD 6 times a week and some other people have continued to do other workouts. I will probably continue to do my running program along with the DVD. It seems like when the DVD is over you can start another DVD/workout program or maybe take a little break and do the DVD again. It looks like the DVD has a beginner and advance workouts so I am sure if you do the DVD again it will still be challenging. I would get on youtube and search it. It showed a lot of clips from the DVD so you know what you are buying.
  • AmberM6912
    AmberM6912 Posts: 79
    I am actually about to start so thanks for everyone's feedback. I bought my copy on Amazon for $6.99. I dont know what it retails for in a store, but I thought that was a great deal. You can also buy combo packs of Jillian's dvd's for cheap! Totally worth the few days wait for the dvd to arrive!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I asked some questions about this work out in another thread, but never got an answer. Hoping someone here could give me some insight.

    My biggest concern is that I ride my bike to work 2 days a week. It's an 11 mi ride in total there and back. How baddly will missing the shred workout these days mess up my progress?

    Also, what happens once you finish all 10days at all 3 levels? Do you start over from the beginning again or find a new workout?

    I'd really like to know since I'm thinking about buying the DVD this weekend.

    I have been doing the Shred for 24 days straight. No breaks at all. I am also training for a 7 mile run at the end of the month. So on top of the shred I'm running at least 2-3 times a week between 3-7 miles each time. I still go to Zumba once a week, and I walk about 15-20 miles a week. I also did a leisurely 22.5 mile bike ride last week. So doing the Shred hasn't stopped me from doing any other activities at all. So yes - do it & RIDE your bike!

    Also - I get up & do the shred first thing in the morning. I had a 5K race on Saturday & didn't get up early enough to get it done beforehand, so it was tough to force myself to do it, but I went home early Sat night from all the Independence Day weekend festivities & did it before I went to bed! I feel much better doing it first thing in the morning, that way I have it done for the day & out of my way!