Lose 10lbs in July 2011 Challenge -->>Support Group



  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    Great job. I am sorry to say I have been slacking on my exercise.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I have been a pretty bad eater but I've been faithful with the exercise - We'll see how that goes on Friday.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I am just about to finish up cycle 1 of 17 day diet so I am really anxious to see how I do this Friday.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    What's the 17 day diet
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    It is a diet that is broken down in to cycles that last 17 days. Cycle 1 is a cleansing cycle and pretty strict but then each cycle you will add more foods back to your diet. Here is a web site that offers all the details and the food allowed on each cycle.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Its funny how some of these diets are just variations of each other. The food list looks a LOT like the south beach diet only the timeline is a bit accelerated. I hated south beach.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    That is what I thought when I heard about it. I never personally did South Beach, but heard a lot about it. I just needed to try a structured diet or a diet all together as opposed to just counting calories for right now so I could have the scale move and give me the motivation to keep losing. So far the scale has continually gone down, so I am excited and it is motivating me :)
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    I have a favor to ask of everyone here. I think we need to pray for Leigh_b. She is apart of this challenge. She came in from vacation last I heard from her and she had a very sick child. Please pray that things are going good for her. I am worried about her because I have not heard from her since that last email.
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    The thing about these fad diets is in less you plan on sticking to them the rest of your life the chances of you keeping off the wight is not very good. It is better to start with small changes to your diet and routines that you are willing to stay with then to start something that you are not willing to do long term.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    The thing about these fad diets is in less you plan on sticking to them the rest of your life the chances of you keeping off the wight is not very good. It is better to start with small changes to your diet and routines that you are willing to stay with then to start something that you are not willing to do long term.

    I think with the 17 day plan, if you are able to do that and THEN plan to transition off it (as in dopn't assume you'll just be eating 17 day cycles forever because no one will be abble to stick to that).

    I mean there must be some people who are able to do it and transition successfully, but eating the south beach just resulted in me being cranky and *****y and hungry.
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    I am not saying that people don't see results from these fads diets but if you were to check back up on them in a year or two's time most of them have gained it back unless they have stayed on the diet.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I have honestly been trying to stay away from the fad diets and was counting calories and had been yo-yoing between a few pounds and not really seeing results, so I went on this to jump start a weight loss and so I could see the scale move which in turn motivates me.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    the scale says I am down 2.8 lbs BUT - I am not sure I have been calibrating it right all this time (the only hard surface that is level in my apartment is in the kitchen, so I have to put it back out for every weigh in day).

    This time I KNOW I calibrated it right because I stepped on it and it said 190 something, and I said "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" and jostled it thinking maybe its not level enough or something (it could happen right?).

    When I jostled it, it went to 0, then flashed 4.4 lbs (the amount the glass top weighs) then it flashed a "C" - then I weight myself as it was 186.2 (notice its about 4 pounds less than the original weight, aka the weight of the glass was getting subtracted correctly).

    I *should* feel good about that but instead I'm freaking out that my last weigh in was actually wrong, and I GAINED weight, and I just don't KNOW if I gained weight because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH.

    Now I have to wait a week and see what it says.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I have to fake it till i make it.. this past week was all - no good. Almost no exercise - first time in this entire year that i have worked out so little in a week :( .. Didn't log all the food and made a lot poor choices.. it's TOM week .. and i hate that it affects me so much . I feel like it's dictating my life. All the hard work i accomplish in 3 weeks it kind of ruines it all in that TOM week !!! Each time once the time is past.. i tell my self " see you back to normal, it was ALL just hormones and bloating.. why can't you just stick through your plan next month ? why do you fail each month ? Than the TOM comes.. and i start feeling so crappy.. " knowing " it's the hormones and all that.. but still getting the feeling " you are a failure.. see you messing up again .. "it's a vicious cycle.. with the hormones and the monthly troubles.. they drive me crazy , they suck the life out of me.. i'm in crappy mood .. everyone arround me knows that it's the time.. i get angry i get sad , cry .. almost depressed.. than i'm hungry .. than i'm sleepy no energy and can't work out.. it looks like.. the weight loss is not hard on its own.. we women need additional obstacles like this " monthly trouble " and messed up hormones ! Everything is against us.. the years, the metabolisam, less muscles more fat ( guys have it easier ! ) .. bloating during the time, increased appetite, less energy, headaches, .. what did i forget ? What do we have in our favor in this battle against fat ??

    Sometimes it makes me feel so angry and frustrated.. we have advanced in everything.. sent people to the moon so many years ago. but still couldn't find something that helps a women get through this days - without harming the rest of her body ... while trying to " fix " that problem.. :(

    Just venting.. i hate the TOM .. and everything it brings with it !

    there.. vent for the day
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Bosanka have you considered some form of birth control - maybe even one of the 3 month shots instead of pills? In terms of "fixes", regulating your hormones is pretty much it.

    I noticed this last month when I had been walking every day and eating a little less (and making slightly healthier choices) that I had very few PMS symptoms - actually when it started I was like "oh is THAT what that was?"

    But I have never been someone who gets hit very hard by those things, at my worst I feel bad for a couple days. So this was an improvement over that but I was starting from somewhere better.

    Birth Control makes me WORSE, I HATE it. I think my hormones are actually balanced "wrong" -- my face clears up before, during, after my period, but I break out like crazy for the 2-3 weeks in between that time and on my chin which is all hormones I am told. But I know a lot of women who have symptoms like yours that find BC really helps them. I knew girls in HS who were on it early because their symptoms were so bad they'd have 2 days of bed rest every month.
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    I have really heavy POM. So I can relate. I get sick feeling a few days before and through that whole week. I just get drained and sleepy. I get a little grumpy as well. Excersice just makes mine worse than what it already is. PMS meds are the only thing that helps some but now with my new meds I can't take them. I feel you. My boyfriend eats more than I do and looses easier than I do. I am here if you all need to talk.

    Our group is at its 500 posts limit. Our owner has to start a part 2 of the group so we can start posting again.
  • keishamarie4
    A couple of months ago I had the mirena put in after I had my son. Let me tell you I am so glad I did. After I had him, and all the sleepless nights I was like never again will I have another child lol. Now that he is 5 months I am like hmm maybe I wouldn't mind doing another soon. Luckily I have 5 years of protection lol. Anyway I went into a rant....my point is that the mirena helps a lot with TOM. My first one after it was put in sucked. It was like 2 weeks long, but afterwards I spot for 1-2 days and that is it! My symptoms aren't bad at all!!

    On a exciting note, I lost 9 inches this week in my bust, waist, stomach, butt, and thighs!! I am so ecstatic about it!! The exciting part is I lost a whole inch of my thighs...they went from 30 to 29! I guess running really helps the legs!
  • fozziewaca
    fozziewaca Posts: 66
    A week or two before my TOM I crave chocolate like nothing else! Since I haven't been eating sweets everyday like I used to, it's taken me a few months to connect the dots that the craving for sweets equals TOM coming. When TOM hits tho, usually the cravings go away, but I do get grumpy and lethargic. Sometimes I don't exercise at the same intensity I usually do, but I do try to power thru it knowing they (the workout and TOM) will end soon.

    And congrats, keishamarie, on your huge loss!! That is fantastic!
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    I am a newbie can I get in..Melva
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
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