DS Mamas!!



  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    What is DS?

    its a cloth diapering community for moms and dads (and soon to be parents and grandparents) Most of the community is into more natural forms of child raiseing
    cloth diapering
    home made babyfood
    and others that I know I missed lol
    not saying everyone dose these its just the average of the board

    I`m doing great I hit 189 even yesterday :) (not changing my ticker until Tuesdays weigh in thoug) if I lose one more pound I`ll have officaly lost 25pounds since starting this May 1st :)

    My diary is public so you can all see my workouts and food ( I do alot of cardio and drink TONS of water plus try to eat back most to all my exercise cals) and its doing great
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Hi Mamas! I'm Jen1409 on DS
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    got in 60min of crosstrainer time this morning :)
  • sophnickaly
    sophnickaly Posts: 5 Member
    Great Job Stephanie looks like your rockin right through your weight loss!!!!!!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    thanks I`m really surprised at how much I LOVE to work out. I did a sneak weigh in this morning and was in the 188 range which puts me at my 25 pounds since starting :) though I`m not going to change anything until my ofical weigh in on Tuesday :)

    I did have dh snap two body pic`s this morning before my workout ( I haven`t looked at them yet lol but will post those on ds later).

    this morning
    30 on the crosstrainer
    30 on the treadmill set at 3.0 with 1.5 ramp
    5 on the rowing machine

    then did 3 sets with 10-12 reps on all the weight machines in the gym lol I was at the gym for 2hours if you count my shower time lol
  • sophnickaly
    sophnickaly Posts: 5 Member
    So what day is everyones weigh in so we can keep track? Also do you all weigh in at home or at a WW meeting or other? I think weds will be my weigh in day since I havent had a weigh in yet and Im hoping to stick with that

    edited because I dont mean to "keep track" I meant to motivate one another on that day .