exercize reporting

so what does everyone think? I have been stripping gloss with a paper stripper and sanding with a sanding machine, what exercise category would that come under? cleaning maybe?


  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Wow, good for you. That's some hard work. I think cleaning would be good!
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    I just did some furniture refinishing. I estimated about 100 calories burned per hour at least. The stripping paint and sanding is a lot of work. Bookcase done now I'm on to a wrought iron bench with a lot of layers of paint and rust to get off it.

    I added my own activity as Furniture Refinishing since I couldn't find anything that fit.
  • cathhaley
    cathhaley Posts: 6
    it was hard work I think my arms are going to fall of lol, I think I will add it as Furniture Refinishing and add it as about 100calories, seems fair to me :-) great idea, thanks guys xx