Getting enough protein

H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
So, I started on my weight loss journey three weeks ago. I had a body scan done and it was suggested that I get get 125 g of protein a day with a 1200 cal diet. I am trying so hard to get enough protein while staying under my calories. I'm on the Herbalife shakes with milk 2X a day, snacking on protein bars, and having a good and colorful dinner with lean meats. I haven't been able to get the 125 g yet! How in the world do I do that without blowing past my calories? Any thoughts?

Thanks, Amanda


  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I've seen this asked before and the usual answer that has been given is peanut butter or other raw nuts. Both are good for you and are a good source of protein. I think almonds were mentioned quite a bit. They also have good calcium. Personally, I'd opt for the peanut butter on maybe an apple or some low cal crackers/breads. :)
  • apmemo
    apmemo Posts: 43
    My nutritional goals are similar to yours. If you are making shakes with milk, you might be surprised how many carbs are in milk 12-13 grams per cup, which adds 48 calories per cup. Try using plain unsweetened almond milk, coffee, or water as a mixer instead. Plain 0% fat greek yogurt is 80 calories with about 15 grams of protein. Cut out carbe dense foods like potatoes and corn, and replace with low GI veggies. Some people even add egg whites (from a carton, pasturized) to their protein shakes. Good luck on your journey!
  • lhanks89
    lhanks89 Posts: 90 Member
    Soy foods! A Boca Burger has 17g of protein with only 100 calories!
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    instead of doing protein bars do shakes. Cheaper as well. GNC amplified 60 g of protein for only 280 calories if mixed with water.

    chicken, turkey, and 93/7 beef are good sources. I eat a lot of protein.
  • skinnyjeans1224
    skinnyjeans1224 Posts: 76 Member
    it is hard to get that much. I average around 85 with Chicken breast, shakeology 17grams once or twice a day and tilapia or other lean meat. Also eat almonds daily. I'm able to stay under calories. Not real big on peanut butter but may have once a week.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I don't see the need for that much protein. Sounds like your getting enough!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Nuts will also bring a ton of calories.

    For me to get to my 175 grams of protein daily (which I don't always) I had to supplement using whey protein powder. I buy it at the local bulk food store, where I get it cheaper than the "canned" stuff at the health food stores with their flavours and other items.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Wow! Thank-you all for the quick responses.

    What about fish?
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    You're going to have to focus on very lean protein sources.

    Protein powders can be added to almost anything.

    Other lean protein sources:

    -Fat free Greek yogurt
    -Low fat cheeses
    -Skim milk
    -Skinless chicken breast or turkey breast
    -Egg whites (you can incorporate these into a lot of other foods as well)
    -Soy products
    -Legumes (beans, lentils, etc.)
  • I started taking Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Whey Protein. The great thing about this product is that it only has 1 gram of sugar while supplying you with 24 grams of protein. I use 1 cup of fat free milk which is 90 calories and the powder is 120 calories. I recommend the double rich chocolate and throw in some ice cubes to make it a little slushy. I don't use it as a meal replacement but consider it my "dessert" after dinner.
  • 100lb
    100lb Posts: 75 Member
    Fish is a good source of protein. I have had cooked prawns as a snack (180g pack is is 150 cal and 32g protein, which is half the calories for a similar amount of protein from a bar)

    Protein bars and shakes are milk protein based and have milk sugars, the shakes tend to be less calorific wise and they a absorbed quicker when mixed with water.
  • NewLeafEats
    NewLeafEats Posts: 37 Member
    If you have to stick to a 1200 cal diet, I would not recommend nuts. Sure they have protein, but they have more fat than protein, and if you try to eat it in nuts, you'll hit your 1200 cal limit long before you get enough protein.

    Low-fat dairy (I never recommend fat free. Don't get me started), whole grains, beans, whole food soy, and lean meats should get you there.

    I'm surprised you've been recommended an amount so low as 1200. But that's just me. I'm not an expert. All I know is that I'm super hungry and crabby at anything less than 1500.

    I'll also note that 125 g protein is almost half your daily calorie allowance! Yikes!
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    I'm trying to get in around 120-130 g protein as well. It is indeed a challenge, and some days I even find it hard to eat all of my calories because the protein really fills me up!

    I will agree with others that it's easier to get the protein in if the carbs (those found in processed foods, breads, grains, etc.) are cut out.

    I eat a LOT of fish, and rotate through some of my favorites (I don't think you need to be as fearful of fats from fish because it's mostly that oh-so-healthy omega-3): salmon, tilapia, cod, tuna (sparingly), and shrimp.

    I'll be interested in seeing more comments to get more ideas, too!
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Egg Whites, 1% or 2% Cottage Cheese (add some dill weed and cucumber yumm)
    . Great sources of protein without going crazy on the calories.
  • lanie25
    lanie25 Posts: 42
    Ultrameal shakes, especially the mint chocolate one, are tasty with protein and about 150 calories. I have one each morning, but I add chopped up strawberries or a banana too. Blend well! Good luck!
  • I started taking Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Whey Protein. The great thing about this product is that it only has 1 gram of sugar while supplying you with 24 grams of protein. I use 1 cup of fat free milk which is 90 calories and the powder is 120 calories. I recommend the double rich chocolate and throw in some ice cubes to make it a little slushy. I don't use it as a meal replacement but consider it my "dessert" after dinner.

    plus 2 on this my wife and i use this protein they have some great flavors...
    the shake with fat free milk you'll get 32g of protein... add some egg whites and you'll get more
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Jenny O Turkey Ham - 15g of protien but less than 100 cal.
    Turkey Pepperoni - 8g of protien 110 calories
    Greek Yogurt - 12-16g of protien and less than 100 cal
    Pure Protien Bar - 18 - 20g of protien and 100-120 calories
    Protien shakes - 15+ g of protien and 135-280 calories (depending on what you mix with it)
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    I would have to say as well that you are getting enough... are you trying to eat low carb?
  • NewLeafEats
    NewLeafEats Posts: 37 Member
    Okay, after doing some math, it doesn't make sense to me that 125g protein would be required in conjunction with a 1200 calorie diet. It would require some extreme low-carbing, and most (non-paleo) resources say not to allow protein to make up more than 30% of your calories. Currently 125g is about 42% of a 1200 cal diet.

    Now, I'm no doctor or expert, and I'm no judge on what is best for your body, but it does make me wonder who suggested such an extreme plan. If I were you I'd get a second (or third, fourth...) opinion. But again, that's just my two cents. Take it or leave it. :)
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Ya, doing a little more research on this, I think my nutritionist is NUTS! Yes, I want to lose weight, but this seems a bit extreme to me. I am going to get what I get for protein from the shakes and my meal and not stress about getting the 125 g.