what made you finally realize, today's the day



  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    In highschool I could eat like I had hollow legs and not gain weight, wearing size 3-5 jeans (had to get wranglers because I had no butt lol). College and highschool both I was fairly active, walking a lot and working out and then real life happened. Once I graduated and had a desk job, and the amount of physical activity I had plummeted but the amount I was eating didn't; in fact it slightly increased!

    Over the course of two years I'd gained almost 40 lbs and the first lightbulb came on when I was a month out from having to do a fitness test and was above the weight limit to get max points for BMI. I ate "healthier" to lose those few lbs I needed but went right back to what I'd been doing after the fitness test was over. The real, blinding light came after my job relocated me to another state and one of the folks I supervised showed me MFP that she was going to use to help her lose weight.

    Being ever curious I created an account and logged that day's breakfast and lunch and was completely shocked out of my mind how many calories that was and it was then that I knew exactly how I'd gained weight. That was Jan of 2010 and I've since gotten back down from a size 12 to a size 5 and got to maintenance and toning. I had stopped using MFP religiously for about a month and had gained back 5 lbs so I'm back in the saddle to get back down to maintenance. I've come to realize that MFP is a forever friend that I should never turn my back on if I want to continue to succeed!
  • HSmamato4
    HSmamato4 Posts: 70
    When I couldn't move for three days after taking my kids strawberry picking.
  • Steph1015
    Steph1015 Posts: 119 Member
    The scale is 10 pounds away from when I delivered my son......... 8 years ago.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    I am so glad that you joined MFP Tabitha!!! As you can see, the support here is fabulous!! There's tons of people in the same place as you are, and those who started where you are and made it to where you want to be! They're all more than willing to share how they did it too.

    Another thing you'll see, is if you hit a road block, post a topic about it! You won't believe how many people are having the same problem, and again, you'll meet those who met that problem, fought with it, and share with you how they overcame it!

    You definitely have it in you to do this, and we're all behind you! :happy:
  • tabitha236
    when the scale read 201 and i crapped my pants.

    i was waiting on a customer at work when i read this. i started the silent laugh/shake because that's exactly how i feel and just laughed at myself.