To calorie count or Not to calorie count!!

amyllu Posts: 432 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Have been doing the very OLD WW since last April 2010 and lost 30lb (put on 1lb this week)
Did also do CC as well but have stuck since Xmas and between losing motivation and various problems just can't get back into it. I so want to lose at least another stone (14lbs). Have jollied others along a lot during my upbeat times but it is soo hard to get it together again...

Just don't know how to get my mojo back... :grumble:


  • i dont know what CC is but i completely say dont do any more WW...dont do any more "diets"

    weigh yourself tomorrow morning and log every single morsel you put in your mouth and move your body...and if you struggle through it, hell, at least you did it...and then do it again tomorrow and it'll be a little bit less of a struggle and so on and so forth.

    youll get your mojo back and kick yourself into high gear!!
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    Remind yourself of WHY you are doing this - and put that in a letter to yourself and paste it on the mirror.

    Or go look at "people of walmart" on you tube - you do NOT want to be those people!

    Join an exercise class, find a walking buddy, talk to a friend, make a challenge, give yourself a future reward (ie, if I lose 14 more pounds, I get new boots for the winter).

    Finally, congratulate yourself on coming so far already!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    i dont know what CC is but i completely say dont do any more WW...dont do any more "diets"

    weigh yourself tomorrow morning and log every single morsel you put in your mouth and move your body...and if you struggle through it, hell, at least you did it...and then do it again tomorrow and it'll be a little bit less of a struggle and so on and so forth.

    youll get your mojo back and kick yourself into high gear!!

    CC- Calorie Counting
    WW- Weight Watchers
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I find counting calories to be so easy through this tool, and the only thing that works for me.
  • I have to CC or will be off track in no time!! I love this site for keeping track... makes it so much easier ...

    Good luck!
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    i dont know what CC is but i completely say dont do any more WW...dont do any more "diets"

    weigh yourself tomorrow morning and log every single morsel you put in your mouth and move your body...and if you struggle through it, hell, at least you did it...and then do it again tomorrow and it'll be a little bit less of a struggle and so on and so forth.

    youll get your mojo back and kick yourself into high gear!!

    CC- Calorie Counting
    WW- Weight Watchers

    Thanks for explaining that Aimssc.

    Unfortunately I am disabled and just walking is a major difficulty for me. Just wish I could join a fitness class or do some at home. My back is REALLY bad with ankolising spondilitis (an inflammitory condition) so getting out of bed in the morning is my major workout!!:grumble:
    After 2 days of trying to stick to the WW program have decided CC is the best way to go.. wish me luck!!...:smile:
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Decided on the Calorie Counting and have made a new start.
    Beginning weight is 199lbs which is great as I haven't put on loads as I had feared.
    Now feeling really good and in the zone and mojo working really well .... :smile:
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Now on 800 calories with doctors supervision.
    Will do this for a few weeks to try to kick start weight loss again.

    Everything looks well for this first day....:smile:
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