Hello everyone. In light of all of the tragedy that has occured this year..here in Nebraska and abroad, I just feel like now is the time to really cherish life and this includes my health and overall fitness. I realize that no one is promised tomorrow, so I want to do all I can to not rush myself out of here! This means focusing on my health and losing the 60 pounds that is necessary in order for me to be healthy.
I am excited about this adventure and best of luck to all of you!!


  • candias
    Hello everyone. In light of all of the tragedy that has occured this year..here in Nebraska and abroad, I just feel like now is the time to really cherish life and this includes my health and overall fitness. I realize that no one is promised tomorrow, so I want to do all I can to not rush myself out of here! This means focusing on my health and losing the 60 pounds that is necessary in order for me to be healthy.
    I am excited about this adventure and best of luck to all of you!!
  • mildrede40
    Welcome and good luck to you:bigsmile:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Hey, I'm also from Nebraska and just signed up two days ago. Welcome aboard. Where in NE are you at? I'm in central Nebraska 10 miles north of Arapahoe (which was listed in business weeks best place to raise kids last month) where my husband teaches. I work in Lexington (where that teacher ran away with the 13 year old boy). Best of luck to you

  • candias
    I'm from Omaha NE.....we aren't too far from one another!
    I hope that this will help me stay motivated (joining this site)
    and meeting people (such as yourself) who are ready to make the change!

    Good luck to you!