Lap Band instructions vs MFP calories



  • MAG2010
    MAG2010 Posts: 30
    and I would seriously have 3-4 week stalls even though I was doing all the right things and then I'd suddenly drop 4 lbs in one week. My doctor says the body naturally redistributes body fat evenly because it fuels your body most efficiently that way which is why the scale may stall for a few weeks but you'll notice that you still drop inches.....I'm not sure if she's just blowing smoke up my butt to make me feel better but it seemed to help my pysche from going into depressed mode those weeks. And I would still lose inches...even if the scale was stubborn.
  • marypat819
    marypat819 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I had my band placed last January.
    I have had some ups and downs and some stalls...
    Keep in mind that expected loss for Lapband is 1-2 lbs/ week...So if at the end of the month you are down 4 pounds that is great.
    Anything down is better than up.

    I do not know how much sodium you are eating ,but based on what other posters said, it is alot..
    I have found that staying away from processed food has been the biggest benefit.

    Growing up, most of the food was processed and rather unhealthy... so changing life long patterns was not easy... but
    definitley worth it...
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    veggies and protein.

    No processed... no frozen or fast food.

    grilled or baked protein and steamed or raw veggies.

    NO GRAINS. breads, pastas, cereals... none of that.

    an example of this would be:

    hard boiled egg or
    pouched egg or
    scrambled egg (with fat free spray)
    **try some salsa as a topping. very healthy and low in calories. only a tablespoon or so.

    4 oz of grilled chicken breast (some fat free dipping sauce if you like)
    1/2 cup of raw veggies (pepper, cucumber, tomato, etc.)

    4 oz of grilled fish
    1/2 baked potato with fat free sour cream
    1/2 cup steamed mixed veggies

    Snacks: (if needed between meals)
    hard boiled egg
    Greek yogurt
    1/2 cup cottage cheese
    apple slices

    I hope this helps!