Why do people do this? (sorta ranting)



  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    NotAllWhoWanderAreLost Posts: 615 Member
    yep, they question if we actually need to get to a healthy weight, adding that "a little bit of fat looks good on a person" (and by that, they mean slightly overweight. I concede that no one should --or could-- be at 0% fat lol). And when you get close to your goal weight, not only do they question if you need to go further, they start to question the TIME you spend en:grumble: gaged in your new, healthy activities. Sorry, not going back to being a total couch potato! Somedays, maybe, but not all the time uffffffff Some ppl don't mesh easily with the "new you" and its frustrating and sad because sometimes they are our closest loved ones and friends and you'd think they'd be doing backflips in joy for you... but no...
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    That is annoying!! I agree.

    Also annoying is the "compliment": You look good....for having 2 kids. While that seems nice enough, it'd be received with greater appreciate if there wasn't the added disclaimer about kids.

    a bit off topic from the original poster's comments I know, but once in church i got "you look good for having 4 kids!" Those kids were my siblings and I was 18yo and never had a single pregnancy :P Backhanded compliments are worse when the disclaimer isn't even accurate!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    First...congratulations on wanting to (and succeeding!) in becoming healthier!

    Second...one thing I'd like to suggest...is for you to throw the BMI chart out the window...and have a doctor measure you for bodyfat. I am 19% bodyfat right now...and borderline obese by the BMI scale. At 15% bodyfat...I'm not going to be a hell of a lot lighter...though I'll probably look a good bit different. And for the record, I don't train with weights. I train with bodyweight...so it's not like i'm out there bulking up in order to gain muscle lol.

    Anyhow...just wanted to toss that out ther. Again...congratulations, and take it for the compliment it is. When they say that...and then they see you next time 15lbs lighter...they'll understand why you're doing what you're doing =D.

  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    I seriously think that people comment out of their own feelings about themselves. I don't know if I'd call it jealousy - maybe w/some it is - but for others it's a feeling that *they* can't get to where you're going, so psychologically they are talking you down (without realizing it). If they think that what you are doing is UNhealthy, then it justifies their not making similar changes.

    I have a dear cousin I love so much. She's a good deal older than I am (my mom had something like 8 or 9 siblings, so it made for a big age difference sometimes), which can account for some difference of outlook. She made the comment about weight (I said something like how I was 137 lbs in my single days) - the comment was "You'll never see that again."

    Back then I didn't know how I was going to lose this weight - but I knew that comment was SO wrong!

    Bottom line is: ignore the comments. Do what you feel is best, eat well, exercise & share this site with them (even though most will probably ignore it). You're doing great!!