New guy, doing P90X

Hi, I'm from England and I'm on my second day of P90X & wondered if there's anyone else just starting this or a similar programme? It's my second attempt. I completed two months before but had to stop due to illness. Also, this time I won't be following the meal plan as I just don't get the energy I need to work out from low carb diets.

Would be nice to meet others on a similar journey. Best Wishes, Richard.


  • MelissaGull
    Good luck that is very tuff!!! I've done a few of them. the core one made me to where I couldn't walk for 3 days! lol
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    You can do it this time! The second time was the charm for me and now I am hooked! I am about to finish my first round up! On day 86! Will be starting a hybrid next week!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    im currently on day 3 of P90x lean.
    i got to about day 20, but then went on holiday and gained a few pounds.
    so i decided that if i carried on then my end result would be about 20 days worse of that it should be..
    so i decided just to start again from the beginning.
    Although im struggling to push play everyday..
    its such a long exercise, and i have to pause it so much that i end up having to set aside like 3 hours each day for it..
    have to admit im starting to give up a little =[
    could really do with some motivation to keep me going.
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Congrats on starting again! I'm on my 3rd day of P90X lean and posting each day after I complete a workout is a great way to keep me motivated and accountable. While I'd like to lose 8-10 more pounds, I'm really interested in toning up and get rid of that "goo" as Tony puts it. While no every exercise is fun, I can honestly say that I have never regretted a workout. I try to create small goals like telling myself that "I only have 3 more days to go until I complete week 1" instead of saying "I've only got 87 more days to go." Naturally 3 more days sounds more attainable.

    Let's keep each other accountable. The best is yet to come!

  • devildog64
    I am in my 11th week and i love it.. i am down 5 notches on my belt so far.. It was hard at first but if you stick with it you will get better at it, and you will see results.. It is really amazing what it can do for you..