Ready for a Change & a Half Marathon!

Hi everyone! I just switched over from sparkpeople, I feel like it's just too busy over there! I have about 15 lbs to lose and it has been tough. I feel like I lose then gain then lose. I know when I track I'm much better with eating and exercising.

Right now I'm doing weights 2-3 times a week and doing cardio about 4 times a week. I'll be running my first half marathon in January. Wish me luck :)


  • KatherineVictoria
    That's awesome! I'm a runner too, so I'm here if you need extra support! Keep up the good work and feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • jenniferjgayfield
    I'm intending to do my first half marathon in Oct/Nov this year, had a baby in February, and just started on here about a month ago. Feel free to add me as a friend, love the support on here!
    FYI, I'm 25 and currently at 134 (5'4")
  • wjkirby
    wjkirby Posts: 120
    Good luck! I'll be running my first half in about 8 years next May in Cincinnati.
  • sidewinds
    sidewinds Posts: 14
    You can do it!