New in Georgia

Hi Everyone! Just joined this site, on a recommendation from one of my clients I saw recently. He was excited about his progress so far, and how easy he found the site to use, especially with the mobile app. I'm excited to get started. It has been three days, and so far so good! I am wife and mom of one, living in Powder Springs GA. Good luck to all the other "newbies" out there. :)


  • Danelectro83
    Welcome aboard, you will find lots of friendly people here that will go out of their way to share any advise or personal expriences they have had, lots of suport is the key to a good weight loss/weight gain program. yes i say weight gain, their are some that may want to gain weight as well, dont want to leave them out eaither.
  • cbond74
    cbond74 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome!! You'll find this site very helpful on your weight loss journey!!
  • karenp84
    karenp84 Posts: 119
    Hi and welcome. I'm new to this site too and it seems really helpfull. Good luck!
  • kdchick99
    kdchick99 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi! I'm new too and in GA!!!!!!!!!! The site is great, just wish I had the app for it though. Everyone is great with the advise and suggestions! Welcome again