New Moms...breastfeeding & trying to lose weight



  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    Hi, just found this group. Sounds wonderful! I had lost 40 lbs and was trying to loose a few more. Then I found out I was pregnant. Well, I gained 70+ during the pregnancy. I've lost about 20 of it, but still have more to go to get back to pre-pregnancy. My son is 8 months old, I think it's time to really kick my butt into gear!
  • egraham1
    I am a breastfeeding mama and drinking a glass of wine as I reply to this post! haha! (son is in bed for the night) I was told that if you can feel the effects, your baby will also be affected, but as soon as you don't feel "buzzed" it's out of your system and your breastmilk as well. Also, only about 5% is actually transferred to your breastmilk. So as long as you don't go too crazy you are more than free to enjoy a few drinks. Just make sure you're not feeling too loopy before feeding your son. If you're really worried about it they do make strips to test whether your breastmilk is safe for your baby. You just put a few drops on the strip and it changes one color if there's too much milk in your system and another if it's fine. Not sure what they are called but you can google them. HAVE FUN!!!!
  • andbam
    andbam Posts: 18 Member
    It's funny, my mother in law just told me tonight that when she was in her first few days of breastfeeding her doctor told her to have a beer because it will help her milk supply come in. That made me laugh!

    I will definitely have a great time at the wedding. It'll be weird being away from my son for so long though.
  • MommaRaven
    MommaRaven Posts: 23 Member
    It's funny, my mother in law just told me tonight that when she was in her first few days of breastfeeding her doctor told her to have a beer because it will help her milk supply come in. That made me laugh!

    I will definitely have a great time at the wedding. It'll be weird being away from my son for so long though.

    I totally drink dark beer when I'm having supply issues. The yeast helps with production. Also, Guiness has tons on good B vitamins in it. And drinking a glass of beer or wine right when you start feeding can help letdown. Of course, I've never drank while feeding Alex, but I thought that was interesting.

    Have fun at the wedding :)
  • KrysieW
    KrysieW Posts: 3
    You'd better believe! I can *totally* relate. I've never understood those mom's that swore breastfeeding helped them shed their pregnancy pounds - I was/am *always* ravenous! Nursing makes me so darn hungry, throw in a night of poor sleep and I just want to binge on junk.

    I try to keep crap out of my house (which is easier said than done with the hubs tries to sneak it into the cart during grocery shopping) because if it isn't here, I can't eat it! I also don't want my boys thinking that junk food is "normal". A treat, every once & a while? Fine but junk every day or a couple times a week, unnecessary!

    Try to stay hydrated, I do find that if I'm feeling peckish sometimes it is actually thirst (and apparently I'm not in tune enough with my body to differentiate the two).

    If you have a jogging stroller, get out and enjoy the day with your little one! I just picked up a B.O.B. duallie and I love it! I can take my boys out for a walk or a brisk jog... easy peasy.

    If you have a BBQ - grill! I, personally, think everything tastes better on the Q. I love to rough chop some veggies and toss them on a bed of spinach. Add a little protein and that's an awesome lunch!

    I'll definitely be supporting you on your journey!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Hi! I'm a sahm and ive been breastfeeding my 7 month baby from the very start. Honestly I wish I could quit and I would of a month ago but she won't take a bottle so I just figured I'm stuck with it lol. Ill just wean when she's ready.

    I think I'm one of those woman that have trouble losing weight while breastfeeding lol. Even tho ive lost this pregnancy weight, I still have 10 more pounds till I'm at my pre pre pregnancy weight. My girls are 15 months apart so I didn't get to lose the 50 pounds I gained with her. I wish I didn't gain so much but I'm blaming bedrest and ice cream.

    What does everyone do for exercise? I just recently stepped up my exercise routine, and I do rippedin30, and 10 min trainer everyday with one rest day. I got lazy in July and it's stalled my weight loss.
  • Honeybee511
    Honeybee511 Posts: 97 Member
    Hello everyone, I ran across this post and it's nice to see a lo of ladies going through the same thing as me! My daughter will be 3 months old on Monday and I am breastfeeding. I feel hungry all the time!! I love working out, but eating is where I am having trouble! I still have a ways to go to get to where I was! I lost 50 lbs last summer and it felt great! So my goal is to get back to where I was.
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    The feeling hungry all the time will go away eventually. Mine went away about a month ago. And also make sure you drink a ton of water sometimes u feel hungry when you are just thirsty.
  • kealake
    kealake Posts: 2
    Hi all! I had my dd 6 weeks ago and am breastfeeding. My last pregnancy was twins. After they were born, it seemed like the weight just melted off. I guess nursing two babies burned up all those calories! This time, I haven't hardly lost anything, and I have to admit I'm really frustrated. I had a c/s and was just cleared yesterday to begin exercising again. I would love to have the support of other Moms going through the same thing!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    You breastfed twins? Youre my new hero
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    You breastfed twins? Youre my new hero

    mine too!!!
  • laurenicoleg
    I feel exactly the same way! I am a breastfeeding mom of a 4 month old daughter and a 2 year boy (not breastfed anymore). I am always hungry!!! Some days I cannot believe the amount of food I consume. I am really frustrated and need some motivation to help lose about 15 lbs! Any helpful tips would be great! Thanks! Lauren
  • andbam
    andbam Posts: 18 Member
    I'm so lucky. I woke up this morning and felt a pain in my breast and realized that I'm currently dealing with what I'm sure is mastitis. Again. Oh what fun!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Ok this may be a weird question but when did u ladies get your period? I'm 7 1/2 months pp and I just started mine. I know breastfeeding delays. And where she eats solids now I knew it would be coming any moment but did u find you could lose weight easier after you got it?
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    I'm so lucky. I woke up this morning and felt a pain in my breast and realized that I'm currently dealing with what I'm sure is mastitis. Again. Oh what fun!

    Oh no!! That is so painful, and I hope it clears up quickly!!
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    Ok this may be a weird question but when did u ladies get your period? I'm 7 1/2 months pp and I just started mine. I know breastfeeding delays. And where she eats solids now I knew it would be coming any moment but did u find you could lose weight easier after you got it?

    My son is almost 9 months now, and I still haven't truly regained my monthly "friend." I have had two very crampy weeks where the brown pills in my BC pack forced my body into it, but very little spotting from it. I honestly can't say with the weight part though, as both my previous pregnancies and postpartum years were complete opposites of each other.
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    I just found this thread! Love it! I am in the exact same boat with my almost 5 month old. A great place I have been so grateful to know existed is a facebook group called "The Leaky B@@B". Such a great source of information, you can ask anything! and the ladies are great :)
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    It's funny, my mother in law just told me tonight that when she was in her first few days of breastfeeding her doctor told her to have a beer because it will help her milk supply come in. That made me laugh!

    I will definitely have a great time at the wedding. It'll be weird being away from my son for so long though.

    I totally drink dark beer when I'm having supply issues. The yeast helps with production. Also, Guiness has tons on good B vitamins in it. And drinking a glass of beer or wine right when you start feeding can help letdown. Of course, I've never drank while feeding Alex, but I thought that was interesting.

    Have fun at the wedding :)

    So True! The yeast does it. Theres also lots of recipies for lactation cookies made with brewers yeast that do the same :)
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    I just found this thread! Love it! I am in the exact same boat with my almost 5 month old. A great place I have been so grateful to know existed is a facebook group called "The Leaky B@@B". Such a great source of information, you can ask anything! and the ladies are great :)

    The leaky boob. That's hilarious
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Ok this may be a weird question but when did u ladies get your period? I'm 7 1/2 months pp and I just started mine. I know breastfeeding delays. And where she eats solids now I knew it would be coming any moment but did u find you could lose weight easier after you got it?

    My son is almost 9 months now, and I still haven't truly regained my monthly "friend." I have had two very crampy weeks where the brown pills in my BC pack forced my body into it, but very little spotting from it. I honestly can't say with the weight part though, as both my previous pregnancies and postpartum years were complete opposites of each other.

    I'm not on birth control so I'm pretty sure this is a full blown period. And tmi but I don't think I've ever been so heavy before. With my first I didn't breastfeed, and I got pregnant 5 months after I had her so I didn't even get thte chance to lose her baby weight.