How do you get out of an "eff this." day?

infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Ever have those days? You feel like you've been busting your butt and you're not sure you're seeing results.. not sure you can stick with it... and it was jus so much easier to be blissfully happy and fat. I've only really been working at this for about six weeks - I know it's gonna take a lot of hard work and time. But this is the first day in this six weeks that I have felt like throwing in the towel. I know there will be more days like this, and I know MFP is here for me when it happens.

So, I'm doing everything I can to shake the funk - can you help me too???


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    have a nap...things will look different tomorrow
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    You can DO this!

    Go for a leisurely walk rather than a tough workout today, perhaps, or treat yourself to a movie or some other break from the 'same-old, same-old' routine. Sometimes that snaps me out of a funk. Also, lilRicki's suggestion of a nap is a good idea, too. I know I could sure use one... :wink:

    Hang in there and remember we're here for you!
  • lmcphear
    lmcphear Posts: 5 Member
    Switch up the routine.....try sprinting or a hard run, cycle speed, etc... for about 30secs rest for a minute and do it again for about 15-20mins, it will shock your body and you will never plateau
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Splurge a little, guilt free. Feeling deprived can cause that, so live a little. Nibble some GOOD chocolate. Maybe have a small ice cream. Whatever your comfort was before, do that now, but in more portion control and really enjoy it.

    We all have those days. It's important to know that a) this won't be the last time, and b) the feeling is temporary, it Will pass!!

    And holy wow, I feel like a tool for suggesting food... But that's my comfort when I'm down and out...
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Put on some good tunes (I recommend Limp Bizkit "Break Stuff" for these types of days to start the party off) and go take it out on the elliptical or treadmill :)
  • Hang in there!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: tomorrow is coming and you got a new start!!!!!!
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    I was never blissfully happy and fat.. I was fat and depressed and angry with myself.

    How to get through the bad days? I use mfp friends.. and read some success stories. It is amazing what people have done. Everyday is a new day and some are harder than others, but if some people can lose hundreds of pounds, surely I can lose 40 right??
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    THANK YOU!!! Everyone! I think part of my serious afternoon funk today is that I did splurge - I ate a really fatty and non-healthy lunch and I'm desparately trying to beat myself up for it. I'm working on telling myself that fatty foods have to happen some times, and as long as I make good choices from now until the next time I *must* have that McDonalds, I'm doing better than I have in the past.

    I'm not the type to deprive myself, I believe everything should happen in moderation, but I probably should have moderated my lunch a little more carefully. LOL.

    Thanks again. I'm so thankful for MFP right now.
  • I keep remembering why I'm doing this whenever I think about quitting, or even not giving it my all during the planned exercises.

    Although a nap really does sound good right about now...
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    THANK YOU!!! Everyone! I think part of my serious afternoon funk today is that I did splurge - I ate a really fatty and non-healthy lunch and I'm desparately trying to beat myself up for it. I'm working on telling myself that fatty foods have to happen some times, and as long as I make good choices from now until the next time I *must* have that McDonalds, I'm doing better than I have in the past.

    I'm not the type to deprive myself, I believe everything should happen in moderation, but I probably should have moderated my lunch a little more carefully. LOL.

    Thanks again. I'm so thankful for MFP right now.

    Don't beat yourself up. We all have and need a "eff this day"!!! I've been doing this for 15 months now and every once in a while I have a bad day and wanna eat everything and allow myself just that. The most important thing to remember is that those who succeed are the ones who can fall off the wagon but get right back on again tommorow :)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    A nap sounds fantastic right now. I think I'll go find some of my goal photos, get a fresh glass of water, and freaking chill the heck out. LOL.
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    THANK YOU!!! Everyone! I think part of my serious afternoon funk today is that I did splurge - I ate a really fatty and non-healthy lunch and I'm desparately trying to beat myself up for it. I'm working on telling myself that fatty foods have to happen some times, and as long as I make good choices from now until the next time I *must* have that McDonalds, I'm doing better than I have in the past.

    I'm not the type to deprive myself, I believe everything should happen in moderation, but I probably should have moderated my lunch a little more carefully. LOL.

    Thanks again. I'm so thankful for MFP right now.

    i definitely have my mcdonalds! but you have to realize that we're all human. we all have cravings. and we all have days where we "fall off the wagon," but its the day that we get back on that counts. We just gotta keep moving forward, if we have a bad day, oh well, exercise for a half hour longer the next day or just be a lil bit more strict... good luck =]
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    I feel like that like at least once a week like today!!! Got on the scale gained 3lbs my body hates to lose weight and ive been pretty darn good with my p90x workouts and watching 95% of what i'm eating!! so frustrating :( made me want to throw in the towel and i did eat 1/2 my sons little doughnut today with butterscotch frosting yummm. but i'm getting ready to do my p90x shoulders and arms and ab ripper x here in a few minutes then make myself a chicken salad and then taco salad for dinner healthy style lol. Since my hubby is not coming home till late i think 'll take a bath tonight and watch a movie after i put the kiddos to bed. Its so hard sometimes i get sooo frustrated and down i can't break this plateau and am ranging from 3-6lbs on the scale blahh. this is what happened to me last time i did p90x but i was nursing then so thought that was the reason but it just must be my body :( heads up your not the only one and it sucks but it will never change if we dont stay consistant... take care
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