Eat stop eat = anorexia?



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Why does everyone want to base our eating of our ancestors?

    It makes a certain amount of sense. Early human beings had to be very active, food was neither plentiful nor guaranteed, and we have a long experience with it.

    Today, human beings, especially in the prosperous U.S., are sedentary, eat much more than they need of unhealthy food that's easily available and usually cheap. The food is often made tasty or, arguably "addictive" by adding things to it, additives and ingredients that were invented only relatively recently. The human body did not evolve to process this kind of food with this kind of lifestyle.

    I don't buy all aspects of primal-type eating, but its recommendations don't come out of nowhere.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    East Stop Eat and Intermittent Fasting do not cause anorexia unless you already have a predisposition. If you have a predisposition to an ED, I'm not sure the particular diet you follow will make a difference; anything could set you off.
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