Blah Blah Blah



  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Lots of very healthy foods can be added in that are calorie dense. Have you thought about avocado, nuts, nut butters, glass of milk and a piece of Peanut butter toast can add up quick and is a healthy snack and won't make you feel stuffed.

    I've never thought of eating as a hassle...:tongue: to me it's good fuel for my body, so if I work out my body needs more, in time you'll find many foods that help those calories add up.

    I've found it's all in the planning ahead, instead of waiting until the end of the day with a load of calories to chow down. When I plan ahead I know exactly how much I've burned (well, approx., since no method is foolproof) and how many calories to allot myself per meal/snack.

    It does take time to figure it out but it's like a game to me now, trying to fit all the puzzle pieces together to end up with a good looking day.

    I do understand though that eating healthier foods won't add up near as fast as crappy food but that's good right, isn't that why we're all in this game?:wink::flowerforyou:

    I love your response! I live on such a budget and eating healthier at the store is more expensive than before, so every trip I make there I try to stock up on something, but the food goes quicker too! So I'm really learning how to budget my expenses as well. I LOVE avocados...unfortunately every time I've been shopping lately, they look awful! I'm lactose intolerant and can't handle milk. I can handle cheese an extent. I like cheese too much, so I've gotten my body used to a certain amount at a time. I think the planning ahead part is something that will come with time for me. I'm still educating myself about so many things right now, it's overwhelming enough. So I take baby steps. Once I can really get a hang of what I'm currently doing, I'll try to start planning better. Thanks for your input!

    Have you tried the lactose free milk. It tastes the same and lasts forever.