What Do You Do INSTEAD Of Eating?



  • StormChaser217
    StormChaser217 Posts: 70 Member
    I chew gum , try to find something to do ( and sometimes that does not work ) . I buy fudgecicles that are only 40 calories each .
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    pay bills

    I think I would rather eat.
  • biopsychgeek
    biopsychgeek Posts: 1 Member
    This is an excellent question because I often find myself trying to find anything to do that'll prevent me from snacking. When you're with friends it's tough to avoid excessive food but try to incorporate these options: Spa dates, movie marathons (without the added dinner and popcorn), take classes together (pottery, painting, knitting... probably want to stay away from cooking and baking classes), community service projects (book clubs, Bible studies, church activities, helping the homeless, working in an orphange, building houses whatever you're moved to do), of course all forms of physical activity if your friends are into working out (bicycling, running) go to the pool and swim! Find the things that you like to do outside of eating and you'll begin to see that the possibilities are endless =) Good luck!
  • cassiejoyy
    cassiejoyy Posts: 82
    bubble gum!
  • jemclean
    jemclean Posts: 10 Member
    I totally understand!

    When I'm out with friends, I try to find something to do besides eat, like hang out and talk (at a non-mealtime or after I've already eaten), get coffee instead of dinner (less expensive, too!), or find friends who like working out and go to the gym together or go walk around the lake.

    At home, I read, clean, do work, or leave home (too much food here!) and go to the library or something where there isn't food immediately available.

    I also chew gum, or drink something, because often times you think you're hungry when you're actually just dehydrated.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I play video games online with the ps3 like Call of Duty... keeps both hands busy.
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    oh painting your nails is a GOOD one! especially since you cant use your hands until a while after.
    chew gum. gum gum gum.
  • bomomar
    bomomar Posts: 94 Member
    I get the snack thing. Not the tastiest but i have have celery and cucumbers cut up and ready to go. You can eat a lot for very little calories.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    I usually reach for a nice tall glass of water first. I am a big time Yerba Mate' drinker, so if water doesn't help, I drink tea! Mate' is a loose-leaf tea that has to be filtered, so I have a filter straw (bombilla) that keeps my mouth occupied. When I'm drinking tea through a straw, that feeling of wanting to eat usually goes away.

    For those times when I just need to crunch into something, I go for snow pea pods or a dill pickle... the dill pickle is a great weapon against chocolate cravings! Who wants to eat chocolate after they've eaten a pickle? BLAH!

    I don't go out with gf's very often, but drinking coffee might be a good compromise? Or maybe go get a pedi together?
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    pedicure girls day out?
    Comedy Club (usually they have a 2 drink minimum but a shot of vodka is 68 cal....the pinnacle whipped cream vodka even and I mix it with club soda (zero calories.)
    Dancing with friends....again usually that goes with drinks but at least you dance it off?
    Zumba class (fun!)
    Yoga class
    Paddle boats @ a beach or lake day?
    At home at night I like to watch Netflix movies with my bag of 94% fat free popcorn. LOL
    Boinking is always fun....HAHAHA

    I totally get what you mean though, I love my social life but it usually revolves around drinking/food....
  • crozierb
    crozierb Posts: 61 Member
    I love this thread- it is very true that socializing is always revolving around eating and drinking! Since it's sometimes too hard to say no, I have been walking or biking to meet people at the bar/restaurant lately.
    Other than that- swimming/beaching with friends, playing bean bags (aka corn hole) and sketching are a few healthier activities, all of which can be enjoyed while drinking crystal light :)
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I went to a wedding on Saturday in the couple's back yard. Instead of a sit-down dinner there was pork barbeque, macaroni and cheese, some other cheesy thing in a crockpot that was gone by the time I got to it, fruit salad in goo(?) (don't know how to describe it but it wasn't just cut up fruit), some cut up melon, hamburger barbeque (in other regions this is known as Sloppy Joe Meat), baked beans, some cut up celery, tomatoes & baby carrots with ranch dressing on a platter, hot dogs, hot dog rolls, hamburger rolls, some kind of bread/rolls and iced cupcakes instead of cake -- oh, and yes, alcohol.

    So, knowing I would have at least a couple of beers while I was there, I made sure I got exercise in before I went and I had over 1000 calories when I got there.

    I made good choices from the bad - I had some cantaloupe melon, 1 small scoop of Sloppy Joe, a handful of baby carrots and a couple of tomatoes. I also had 2 Corona Extra 12 ounce beers. And, I had a cupcake including the icing.

    But that's all I had - I did not have a second cupcake. I didn't sample everything on the buffet. I didn't need to. I know what those foods taste like and I have a goal in sight. I am sticking to my goal.
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