I don't think I'm eating enough... uncomfortable topic.



  • Crystalchaos72
    somebody with a history(especially recent) of an eating disorder should probably not be on this site at all. That would be like an alcoholic going to a bar to have one drink and expect that they will be fine with one. You cannot diet "just a little", and I feel that someone in your situation, who has a history of an eating disorder and is thin anyway, does not need to be on here counting calories, carbs, sugars, etc. I am a recovering heroin addict, so I understand the inability to do something "just a little". You are not getting enough calories and that is why you are hungry. If you experience genuine feelings of hunger, that means your body needs food. I advise you to seek therapy and delete you MFP account.

    Everyone on here has some "demon" in their closet......this is such an unfair statement! Good luck on your continuing recovery :)
  • Crystalchaos72
    I am not sure but I do have a very physical job and I work out 7.5 hrs a week......I eat 1830-2700 cals a day and am 7# ish away from goal :)… I think I might because I am ALWAYS (almost) hungry :)I
    If I get stressed or pissed I lose my appetitie :/ so I try to not do that :)
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    somebody with a history(especially recent) of an eating disorder should probably not be on this site at all. That would be like an alcoholic going to a bar to have one drink and expect that they will be fine with one. You cannot diet "just a little", and I feel that someone in your situation, who has a history of an eating disorder and is thin anyway, does not need to be on here counting calories, carbs, sugars, etc. I am a recovering heroin addict, so I understand the inability to do something "just a little". You are not getting enough calories and that is why you are hungry. If you experience genuine feelings of hunger, that means your body needs food. I advise you to seek therapy and delete you MFP account.

    ok umm... drugs and alcohol are the same and very different from having a ED. In a way, they do have the same characteristics and mindset together as a whole. I do understand your reasoning and why you think deleting my account would be good. I look at is as, if I delete my account where would I get my support? I feel that talking to peers is just as good as going to a doctor. I have always recovered by myself. No one can change and be a better person but themselves. I have that drive and motivation to change. Like everyone else, we have our rough spots but that is why I joined this site. Yes, we all have different rough spots but we can get through them together and help each other out.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I am not sure but I do have a very physical job and I work out 7.5 hrs a week......I eat 1830-2700 cals a day and am 7# ish away from goal :)… I think I might because I am ALWAYS (almost) hungry :)I
    If I get stressed or pissed I lose my appetitie :/ so I try to not do that :)

    haha that happens to me too. If I get super busy I always forget to eat.
  • Crystalchaos72
    somebody with a history(especially recent) of an eating disorder should probably not be on this site at all. That would be like an alcoholic going to a bar to have one drink and expect that they will be fine with one. You cannot diet "just a little", and I feel that someone in your situation, who has a history of an eating disorder and is thin anyway, does not need to be on here counting calories, carbs, sugars, etc. I am a recovering heroin addict, so I understand the inability to do something "just a little". You are not getting enough calories and that is why you are hungry. If you experience genuine feelings of hunger, that means your body needs food. I advise you to seek therapy and delete you MFP account.

    ok umm... drugs and alcohol are the same and very different from having a ED. In a way, they do have the same characteristics and mindset together as a whole. I do understand your reasoning and why you think deleting my account would be good. I look at is as, if I delete my account where would I get my support? I feel that talking to peers is just as good as going to a doctor. I have always

    recovered by myself. No one can change and be a better person but themselves. I have that drive and motivation to change. Like everyone else, we have our rough spots but that is why I joined this site. Yes, we all have different rough spots but we can get through them together and help each other out.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Thanks again everyone!

    I'm trying to gain weight and muscle. Obviously I need to work out and eat right in order to achieve my goal. I have a busy schedule and often times can forget to eat. I use this site to keep track of my calories and it REMINDS myself to eat. I figure that if I can get 3 meals a day that is better than nothing at all. I always had a rule not to eat after 6 because I need time to digest my food. If I do need to eat late, i will eat but stay awake for one hour then sleep. For some reason, I heard that eating right before you go to bed is bad for you. My food diary is public to my friends on here, I figured that getting help is the best way to go. I LOVE pasta but recently I've been scared to eat it. It fills me up and has tons of grain. Maybe its cause my friends tell me it makes you bigger. I don't know why, people in Italy eat pasta all the time. I think it depends on the pasta, sauce and if you take small portions or not.

    Yeah, the eating after a certain time is a common misconception. A lot of people "snack" late at night - which can be a bad habit. But if what you're eating is healthy food, and you're staying within your goals, it doesn't cause a problem. I ate late at night before (junk food) and gained weight. I eat late at night now (healthy food) and lose weight. It's more about what you're eating and staying within goals than it is timing.

    Pasta in general isn't horrible. The main issue with it is that it's typically processed grains and processed sauces, etc that have a lot of sodium, fat, whatever. But if you make the sauce from scratch (and avoid cream sauces like alfredo and stick with red sauces) and use whole wheat pasta, it can be healthy and is fine occasionally. I add stuff like chopped spinach to my sauce, or grated zucchini for extra veggies. And portion is a big part of it - restaurant portions have really distorted the idea of what a "portion" of pasta is. :laugh: Still not something you want to have every day, but not something you have to cut out completely.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    somebody with a history(especially recent) of an eating disorder should probably not be on this site at all. That would be like an alcoholic going to a bar to have one drink and expect that they will be fine with one. You cannot diet "just a little", and I feel that someone in your situation, who has a history of an eating disorder and is thin anyway, does not need to be on here counting calories, carbs, sugars, etc. I am a recovering heroin addict, so I understand the inability to do something "just a little". You are not getting enough calories and that is why you are hungry. If you experience genuine feelings of hunger, that means your body needs food. I advise you to seek therapy and delete you MFP account.

    ok umm... drugs and alcohol are the same and very different from having a ED. In a way, they do have the same characteristics and mindset together as a whole. I do understand your reasoning and why you think deleting my account would be good. I look at is as, if I delete my account where would I get my support? I feel that talking to peers is just as good as going to a doctor. I have always recovered by myself. No one can change and be a better person but themselves. I have that drive and motivation to change. Like everyone else, we have our rough spots but that is why I joined this site. Yes, we all have different rough spots but we can get through them together and help each other out.
    I love your post above and I'm really proud of you, sounds like you've got plans in the works and are gathering support...good for you! We're all about support here Hon :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    no your body will use any food you give it. thats how it works. it doesnt 'store' it for later. but when you dont eat enough, you risk losing muscle mass along with body fat.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    Well i did notice that every time I am close to reaching my calorie goal I tend to freak out. I am not used to eating so much food with so many calories in one day. It scares me but I am trying to pull through.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I always get discouraged at night when I feel I ate too much. I am trying to find a balance for myself. I always feel skinnier in the morning, that's the only reason why I love mornings. If only I can feel great during the day as well.

    Oh thanks for the tips everyone!! I ate a bit before bed and I slept so well!!! I hope it works tonight too.
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    So I should delete my profile then....?? I am on here to lose weight but I'm a binge eater and a food addict, with a mental illness called OCD.....an ED is a mental thing, I almost had anorexia when I was 19, had Bulimia for a while...been overweight, skinny...bit of everything really hahahahaha I applaud you for seeking out support......

    There is a very good saying that some of you might know and obviously some who need to hear it -

    "Never judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes"
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I always get discouraged at night when I feel I ate too much. I am trying to find a balance for myself. I always feel skinnier in the morning, that's the only reason why I love mornings. If only I can feel great during the day as well.

    Oh thanks for the tips everyone!! I ate a bit before bed and I slept so well!!! I hope it works tonight too.
    Oh good, so glad you slept better Hon! Yea, I've never believed in the "don't eat after 6pm" theory either, I think all of our bodies need fuel at different times and no one rule fits each of us.

    :wink: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    So I should delete my profile then....?? I am on here to lose weight but I'm a binge eater and a food addict, with a mental illness called OCD.....an ED is a mental thing, I almost had anorexia when I was 19, had Bulimia for a while...been overweight, skinny...bit of everything really hahahahaha I applaud you for seeking out support......

    There is a very good saying that some of you might know and obviously some who need to hear it -

    "Never judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes"
    No way! You stick around don't let anyone tell you you're not welcome here, you're more than welcome here. Anyone is, what's different between overweight members that haven't quite heard the 'click' yet to keep it going and get serious and those who are working toward making healthier choices by either maintaining, gaining a bit back or simply using the nutrition charts to be accountable to themselves? I don't see that there should be one... We all have a different goal, someone that needs support in either direction is welcome in my book. :smooched: and I think in most everyone else's as well!

    I find it very uncomfortable when others decide who belongs here & who doesn't based solely on there own opinion. argh!

    I think you make excellent points in your post!! :heart: The shoe theory is so very true.:drinker:
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Well i did notice that every time I am close to reaching my calorie goal I tend to freak out. I am not used to eating so much food with so many calories in one day. It scares me but I am trying to pull through.
    I peeked at your diary when I saw you posted and today looks good Hon! It takes time to get comfy eating a bit more, but remember baby steps get us to where we want/need to be in life.

    No rush, you're working in the direction you want to be and I'm really proud of you for that! I've found that if I try to get where I wanna to be too quickly that's when I get scared... slow and steady seems to work best for my goals.

  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    For most people trying to deal with ED issues, it's best not to focus too much on the details. Meaning, don't worry too much about fat, sodium, sugar, etc for right now. Work on getting to your cal goal with reasonably healthy foods. You may want to remove/replace some of the tracked micros/macros for now, so that you aren't distracted by them. Maybe just track cals, protein, carbs, calcium, fiber.

    Once you've gotten into the habit of eating enough, then you can advance to paying more attention to the other stuff. But getting in the cals is the most important part for now.

    Eat what you know is healthy - lean protein, whole grains, good fats (natural oils, nuts), lots of fruits and veggies.

    I've been there, and it's a hard road. But it really does get better. :flowerforyou:

    this is good advice from ladyhawke :)

    Try to gradually up your calories, making sure they are healthy choices... nuts, olive oil in salads, and spread it out over the day.

    It is great you are trying to be healthy.

    good luck