hello :O)

stansmrs Posts: 13 Member
i came across this site in one of my weekly magazines, im a busy mum of 2 currently living in germany as hubby is in the british army. my weighs crept up over the yrs esp after having treatment to get pregnant with my youngest child and not returning to work. she now turned 3 so going to school and it gives me a few hrs each morning for me. i work out at home due to lack of child care when hubby is away. im a any reason eater lol i eat when im happy, sad, angry. This site has allowed me to look at what im eating and its helping me soo much.


  • StacyD015
    StacyD015 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello and Welcome!!!

    Im from Glasgow, uk.

    Good luck on your Journey xx:flowerforyou:
  • jerseybrunette
    well, hopefully you reach your goal and you have a great life with your family! people are snackers, so its normal! you aren't alone. again, good luck with your weight loss and enjoy your time.(:
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286
    Hello and welcome...MFP has really help me thus far...I love it:happy:
  • lauradupree
    I'm a snacker, too. We call it grazing... it's what cattle do all day long. No, I'm not as big as a cow, but I do have some weight to lose... more than I want to admit. I wish you success on your weight loss journey. : )
  • memawwheeler
    memawwheeler Posts: 16 Member
    Hello. Glad you found this site. I found it a couple of months ago when my husband gave me a tablet for Mother's Day. I am still pretty new at all this message board and blog stuff but I figure I got to start somewhere. I don't know if you saw the 10 in 10 challenge under the motivational and support message board but I decided to do that. Maybe you should look at that too. I too love to snack and use food as my drug of choice but have been doing really well since I started logging my food in the food diary and even started exercising more than I used to. I am following the 17-Day diet and have finally had some success in picking better foods. Even though I am still struggling with portion control, I eat what I want but I make better choices and don't beat myself up if I eat something I shouldn't. There are times when it is tough to resist that candy bar or handful of chips, and it doesn't really help to have my husband tell me "go ahead and have some, it won't hurt you to have just a little"... but instead of mindless binging, I stop and think about it first and then if I really want it, I eat it but most times I don't touch it. I still keep all kinds of sweets and snacks around the house for my husband but I will choose cottage cheese or fruit or yogurt if I just can't shake that snack feeling and drink lots of water. I think that what is working for me is the attitude change and deciding not to make myself feel guilty for eating something I don't need. I wish you luck and lots of success on your weight loss journey :)