Gain lose cycle

spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
edited 11:51AM in Health and Weight Loss
I am still trying to find out if someone broke the gain lose cyle. Since May I have gained and lost the same 4 pounds. I will 199 and then withina day or so be right back at 204. Then it takes me weeks to get back to 199. But since May 14th I have lost 3 1/2 inches from my waist. I exercise 5 days a week, three of those days I do spin, I do weights two to three days a week. I do run, do the arc trainer or elliptical on the other days. This week I added HIIIT for three days and I went from 200 to 205 and now back to 203 this am. I only drink water and green tea, and milk. I drink at least 10 glasses a day of water. I have been eating most of my exercise calories but since Ihave gallstones sometimes it makes me feel full easily and I can not eat more. I eat every few hours. I have tried decreasing carbs some and upping protein, and nothing ends this cycle. I have lost 93 pounds with 59 to go. I also want to add, mfp has me on 1530 calories daily, i vary my intake cycling some days 1700, 1600, 1900, and non exercise days 1530


  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far!! I too have been on this cycle. I was down to 187 beginning of june, then went up to 190. i teetered between 188-190 for weeks... i think i maybe on the down side as the scale read 187.9 this morning (fingers crossed). I eat my 1200 calories per day, excercise several days a week. No sweets or junk food, lots of water and sodium is in check. I think this is something we have to wait out unfortunately. I've tried researching how other people break plateaus. I've tried upping my protein, different workouts, Intermittent Fasting.. nothing seems to work. I've realized there isn't a "magic wand" to break the cycle, When your body is ready, it will move. In the meantime, we have to NOT gie up. Keep eating right and excercising. Eventually it will pay off!
  • MysticMoon
    MysticMoon Posts: 21 Member
    If you find a solution please shout it too me, i keep losing and gaining the exact same pounds over and over again and have done for 6 months in total. It's driving me nuts and i feel like giving up. I wont as i can't as i have to lose weight to alleviate my dvt symptoms and to heal my joints (the hips) so it's sheer desperation time for me.

    Well done on coming so far, and doing so well, something much be working xx
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    without seeing your food diary its hard to comment, but I would say its probably better not to eat your exercise calories.
    I also wonder for both of you if its not something to do with slipping a bit in the weekends, you both say you exercise 5 days a week, is the weekends when you don't exercise? I know thats a problem for me with my husband working away I can't work out in the weekends and it really frustrates me.
    Also are you varying your weight training programmes every six weeks. Are you varying your exercise. Spin classes are fantastic if you are really pushing your self but perhaps boredom is setting in and you need to give them a break for a couple of weeks, try the treadmill or something else instead. Monitor your heart rate make sure you are doing a good 160 bpm really hot and sweaty workout.
    I think its important not just to look at the calorie content but also the health and balance of your diet . Its important not to reduce your calories too much as your body will go into starvation mode and you wont' get the results you want from your exercise as your body can't recover.
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    I am getting certified to teach spin, and I eat well on the weekends. I do different exercises each week to switch it up. I wear a hrm, and my heart rate is in 85% to 80% of my traget rate. I guess I was plugging along so well and then boom. This happenned. I am afraid I have to wait it out. I can take not losing anything but I hate gaining and losing. Sometimes Saturday is my workout day too. I do usually get about 70 minutes of exercise including strength most days. Now this is a cut back from before I was doing like two hours five days a week
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    First off, congrats on your loss so far! That's awesome! Sounds to me like you're doing everything right! I've been on the same crazy-train as you. I lost very consistently for months but it's very slow now. One thing that has helped me since I slowed down was to record my weight on a calendar. To physically flip those pages back and see that I really am down from the prior month keeps me going. I would love to see that's it's more than a lb a month though :/ You're probably gaining muscle too. Keep up the great work!!
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    Yes just not sure what else to try lol. And I find it hard to eat more than 1900 calories now.
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