5k Addidas Challenge

I must be bonkers as i am overweight cant run for more that a minute without feeling like i am going to die, lol and i have just signed up for 5k challenge in Hyde Park on 11 th sept, Now i havent run since leaving school so if anyone has any tips please do share! Many thanks x


  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    Oh and today is day one of cold turket from my 20 day smoking habit lol, i should be great fun to be around!!!!
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    Are you on the Couch to 5K Program for running?
  • gothicprophet
    Are you on the Couch to 5K Program for running?

    If not, do it now! :D
  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    Good for you for giving it a go, might be just the incentive to get you started :smile:

    You will be very surprised at how quickly your fitness levels will improve but to start with you need to walk, then do so many mins walk then so many mins running gradually increasing your run time and reducing your walk time.

    If you look on www.c25k.com they have a very good programme to follow :smile:

    Remember to stretch both before and after to prevent the risk of injury

    Good luck :smile:
  • WonderNoodle
    WonderNoodle Posts: 549
    The C25K (couch to 5K) program IS the answer.

    Here it is set to some pretty decent music you can download to your mp3 player to run with. Trainer tells you when to walk, when to run with tunes playing. Is SO helpful!

  • janisbrede
    janisbrede Posts: 12 Member
    I did c25k last summer and it was fabulous! It is easy to follow and NOT that difficulut. They have an app for the iphone now too! Good luck! Oh! Just remember, stretching and warming up is EXTREMELY important, do not skip this vital step in order to rush your routine. I have been down and out for 5 weeks with a pulled hamstring from not stretching adequately. Wishing you the best!
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    Yes have joined couch to 5k thankyou all for your advice i actually cant wait to get running again will be great!!!
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    thanks have downloaded:happy: so tomorro will be starting xxx