What's your workout routine?



  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    Sunday: run 2 miles, 1 hour strength training, p90x ab ripper x, extra stretching session
    Monday: run up to 60 minutes, if i run less than 60 minutes, I swim the remainder
    Tuesday: run 2 miles, 1 hour latin fusion class at Lifetime Fitness (Zumba-esque)
    Wednesday: either swim or elliptical 60 minutes
    Thursday: run up to 60 minutes, if I run less than 60 minutes, I swim the remainder, 30 minutes strength training, 30 minute core class at Lifetime Fitness
    Friday: either swim or elliptical 60 minutes
    Saturday: long run (half marathon training)

    I just ordered 30DS so I think I'm going to add that in once I get it

    PS - mike_littlerock: hysterical!
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    Sunday- rest day
    Monday- 30 minutes Core Fusion, 90 minutes Zumba
    Tuesday- 45 minutes Spinning (today was my 1st spin class...we'll see if I make it back lol) 45 minutes Zumba Toning 30 minutes Boot Camp
    Wednesdays- rest day
    Thursdays- 45 minutes Spinning 45 minutes Zumba Toning 30 minutes Butts & Gutts
    Friday 30 minutes Core Fusion 90 minutes Zumba
    Saturday- 90 minutes Zumba

    Once they figure out when the Iron Grip (lifting) class is going to be I'll swap that out for one of my other classes. The class schedule at the gym changes each month but there were so many complaints after the lifting class didn't make the schedule this month they're going to work it back in.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I trail run every other day, cycle three times a week, and strength train two or three times a week. During the winter or anytime I can't cycle I do cardio dvd's indoors - Plyo-X and Cardio-X from P90X and Tabato Inferno and Cardio Challenge from Supreme 90 day.
  • melindalamb
    In the mornings, I work out 20-30 minutes. I started Jillian Michaels 30 DS yesterday, so I do that in the morning. Then, I do mini challenges.

    Mon, Wed, Fri - Pushups, Leg lifts, and Planks
    Tues and Thurs - Weights, Knee lifts, Air bicycles, and Jump rope for 10 minutes.

    In the evenings, I go to the gym for about 2 hours. I work out on the Arc for 20 minutes on the interval level, walk 30 minutes on the treadmill, and take classes, like Kick, Power, Zumba.
  • red_hatorade
    red_hatorade Posts: 166
    Boy do i feel lazy. I do Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds 2 mile walk 5 days a week. I have recently added the weights throughout the entire walk instead of just part of it. As I get in better shape, I will probably be able to do more.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    My only "regulars" are 20-30 min every day walking the dog and kung fu class on Monday and Wednesday nights. Other than that, pretty much every day I hit Exercise TV and find a workout that looks good, usually a whole-body cardio sculpt type of workout. When I feel like it, I mix in some tai chi, chi gong, or Dan Millman's Peaceful Warrior workout, and every so often I do some yoga with my wife. I'm a big believer in listening to my body. So, like the past few days I really killed and my muscles are sore, so I'll probably go lighter; no weights, mostly cardio and stretching.