hardly any money what to buy

maxinethestrange Posts: 146 Member
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Sooo majorly skint I mean like next to nothing have 40 nz dollars (20 pounds) for me and my partner for the week , got ceral, extra slim milk, fruit jucie , pasta , a little rice and wholemeal bread .... what do we really need that will keep us going for the next 5-6 days also a couple cups of soup.

i do not want ready meals or junk food would rather eat well and have simlar things every day than junk.


  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Get some fruit and veg to go with your pasta and rice, if your worried it wont last the week chop it up and freeze it and pull it out a bit at a time.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Are you any place where you have access to farmers markets or roadside stands? Generally less expensive and better for you. Maybe add those things to what you buy at the store?
  • mizzsolero
    mizzsolero Posts: 47
    i buy all my veg frozen, its cheap and taste just the same :) you can stock up on that! and you can prepare meals in advance (like pasta and sauce) and freeze it in! when your skint (ive got a baby im always skint he eats my money!) the freezer is your best friend <3
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    Frozen veg & fruit. Baked beans or dried beans. Beans and rice is a good cheap meal, add some peas or some frozen broccoli and it makes an excellent one.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Get loads of tinned or dried beans and pulses. They'll bulk out any veg or meat into a full stew or soup. It's winter in NZ now, isn't it?
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Believe me... as you continual on your journey, you will find you will be able to eat well and cut your food pricing. I know what you mean though as I recall at first it seemed expensive but I was able to re-learn shopping and found great ways to save. There are many great recipes on this site (and across the internet) It takes time - hang in there. I just made a major move for me and the money just hasn't been there to buy my meal requirements but as time is progressing I'm slowly getting back into it. We have to be forgiving to ourselves (wallets) and just stay contious.
  • maxinethestrange
    maxinethestrange Posts: 146 Member
    it is winter kind of the same as scottish summers but missing the sun all the same.
    just with no meat really what is good protien ? are eggs ?
  • maxinethestrange
    maxinethestrange Posts: 146 Member
    it is saving me money so far because i would be junk and chocolate and fizzy jucie as well as loads of fruit and veg , just used to having 120 dollars for weely food so is a bit harder now.
  • TriPixie
    TriPixie Posts: 28
    *ETA* Sorry, just saw the no meat thing....we eat a lot of beans, also quinoa is a grain that is considered a complete protein.

    A whole chicken is a great way to stretch a dollar. I have a family of 6 and can get 2 meals out of a medium sized chicken. Here's how:

    Boil the chicken w/ some salt and a bay leaf (a chopped carrot and a stalk of celery if you have them). Cool the chicken and remove meat from bone. Keep the breasts separate from the dark meat. Use the dark meat with veg over rice for an asian dish.

    Use the breast meat however you wish the next day. It makes a wonderful addition to Pasta Alfredo. I make a white sauce and add parmesan cheese to make a homemade alfredo.

    The liquid from boiling the chicken can be frozen in 1c. portions to use as chicken stock in future recipes. It''s nice to cook rice in and makes it taste better and have more nutrition.

    We have lots of kids and not lots of money - so I've learned how to cook healthily and on a small budget...oh and to keep everyone sorta happy!

  • maxinethestrange
    maxinethestrange Posts: 146 Member
    thanks that is majorly helpful , i can kinda put up with no meat all week but my partner gets funny without meat .
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    Is a food bank an option? Here in the US we have charities that will allow people with limited incomes to get food either at a reduced rate or free. It's usually canned food or other non-perishables, but free is good, no?
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Call up friends and invite yourself for dinner haha! ... Seriously you can repay the favor with a giant pasta dinner of your own whe you get paid.
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