Going on a weekend vacation and..

I'm worried about food while there. I love the friend dearly who I am going to see, but she's happy to just eat a bowl of cereal for the day and thats it; I clearly cannot do that. So while I'm there I'm concerned I'll get enough to eat, on top of it being nutritional food as well.


  • laurie_powers
    laurie_powers Posts: 103 Member
    Maybe you can pack some healthy snacks or hit up the store on the way to where you are staying?
    I like apples, high fiber granola bars, cheese sticks, and things like that.
    The apples and granola bars you can tote in your bag, and they won't need refrigeration.

    Good luck! Have fun!
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Where are you going on vacation...

    Research places to eat with healthy options before hand... :)
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Boston, MA.

    I am planning on looking at what's up there and in Salem which is one other place we'll be. Sunday will be the most difficult because we're hitting the Italian part of town and I plan on getting some good food. hehe