Staying Hydrated

I just thought I'd share this article for everyone, as a good reminder for how important proper hydration is:

For me, as a busy Mom, so easy to be on the run and not drink water, but I've made a pack with myself to always carry my water bottle, FULL of H20.

I challenge you to do the same!

And no, drinking juice, sports drinks and soda doesn't count! Haha.


  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Ahh thanks. I'm having that problem myself right now.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    as I woke with cramps in my legs I'm reminded that I didn't drink enough water yesterday. I've got to get back in the water game. :) Nice reminder
  • skibrina
    skibrina Posts: 36
    great reminder! i love water and push the water on my kids and husband. thanks for sharing!!!
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    Also, for the ladies. A great tip from my massage therapist friends, the more water we drink, the less cellulite we'll hold on to! Um, there's my motivation! LOL.

    My kids LOVE water too! They've never been juice drinkers, so I"m happy about that!