HCG Diet

x3sarahashleyx3 Posts: 8
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone tried the HCG Diet? Does it work or is it another money maker?? I did some research and it seems legit. For women, thats the hormone that increases when you are pregnant, and makes your metabolism work faster, so in theory it seems like it would work!


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Anyone who eats a diet consisting of 500 calories for a sustained period of time will lose weight (not healthily) without adding synthetic hormones to their body. Would you lose weight - Yeah! But is it worth it?
  • I know several people that have been on the HCG diet and it has worked for them. While you are on it, you can only eat 500 calories a day and it is very restrictive as to what you can eat (you can only eat certain fruits, veggies and meats).
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    it goes against everything MFP teaches you - slow and steady wins the race. Also, do you really want to be messing with hormones? I don't think that is very healthy. Weight loss, but at what price?
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    I'm actually on the HCG diet right now.

    This is my 5th round.

    It works, however, you MUST stick to the protocol. a few of my coworkes have done it in the past and have kept their weight off. i'm having a hard time because i'm an emotional eater and am working through it.

    i go to www.hcgweightloss.com/forum/ for support and to read other people's journey as well. its a great resource.

    i buy my drops from hcghealthyweightloss.com..my coworker's sister in law and brother in law are both dr and they sell the drops through their site.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Heads up: you just started another big debate. HCG is one of the most H-A-T-E-D topics on MFP.
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    i use to think like that too HOWEVER, you have to read the science and how HCG works in your body.
    Anyone who eats a diet consisting of 500 calories for a sustained period of time will lose weight (not healthily) without adding synthetic hormones to their body. Would you lose weight - Yeah! But is it worth it?
  • Dippydog
    Dippydog Posts: 154
    IF...it works, it will not be long term and will not be healthy. This is another gimick weight loss program. You did not put weight on fast and you will not be able to lose (and keep it gone) fast, either. Net 1200 calories a day and you will do fine.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    First, the HcG you buy in the store is not real HcG; I'm on real HCG and you have to have a prescription for it. It's not even the same...

    I looked at your starting weight and 500 caloreis doesn't even come close, not even in the ballpark, of giving you what your body needs just to function. I don't mean work and exercise; I mean to work (lungs, brain, etc.) Even Dr Oz or whatever his name tore up this diet practice not long ago on national TV, see if you can Google it.

    Now, I've personally noticed that HCG does have some mental effect on self-control, meaning my self-control has been amazing and really impacted my diet plan. So, HCG on a better and safer diet plan might actually be a good idea but the 500 cal HCG starvation I mean diet can't possibly be a good idea.
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    i also don't stick to the 500 calorie protocol. you're not suppose to calculate calories while on this. as long as you stick to what you are allowed to eat and weigh your food, you are good.

    the only way to know is to try it yourself first hand. a lot of people talk crap about it because they don't understand how it works. which is udnerstandable cause i was like that at one point as well.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    i use to think like that too HOWEVER, you have to read the science and how HCG works in your body.
    Anyone who eats a diet consisting of 500 calories for a sustained period of time will lose weight (not healthily) without adding synthetic hormones to their body. Would you lose weight - Yeah! But is it worth it?

    But remember the $70 bottle of HCG you buy at GNC is not the same thing as the real hormone. The real hormone is prescription only and is like $30 a dose or $120/month.
  • showme989
    showme989 Posts: 10 Member
    I did the HCG diet in January 2010. It does work, but its practically impossible to maintain the weight loss. I lost 12 pounds in 28 days and gained in all back the following year. Now I'm back to square one trying to do this the right way. Live and learn. :ohwell:
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    Heads up: you just started another big debate. HCG is one of the most H-A-T-E-D topics on MFP.

    *ducking for cover*
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    oh yes, its not meant for long term. =)

    i'm on it because i can't do regular eat correctly and exercise (which is what i did to get me from 230-160 in a year)..but since i got my thyroid killed it doesnt work as well and i actually gain even if i'm doing calorie deficit...so HCG has helped me tremendously from feeling like ****. =/
    IF...it works, it will not be long term and will not be healthy. This is another gimick weight loss program. You did not put weight on fast and you will not be able to lose (and keep it gone) fast, either. Net 1200 calories a day and you will do fine.
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    oh i dont buy my bottles locally and not from any of those kind of stores.

    i buy them through a dr for $55.

    i use to go through a dr that did the drop and i paid $300 ish....and then i did it on my own and its the same result. works just fine. just got to stick to the protocol.
    i use to think like that too HOWEVER, you have to read the science and how HCG works in your body.
    Anyone who eats a diet consisting of 500 calories for a sustained period of time will lose weight (not healthily) without adding synthetic hormones to their body. Would you lose weight - Yeah! But is it worth it?

    But remember the $70 bottle of HCG you buy at GNC is not the same thing as the real hormone. The real hormone is prescription only and is like $30 a dose or $120/month.
  • candiigraham
    candiigraham Posts: 53 Member
    It works, it really does. You can lose a ton of weight. BUT.......... you can't keep it off, because in reality who can stick to a 500 cal a day-diet. So, you spend $70 or $120 on drops/shots a month, for what and for how long. Is there any long term benefit to it - NO. As soon as you start to eat your regular calorie intake the weight will come back. And what about your energy, hair, skin and nails. Not to mention your heart and liver - they will all suffer from the lack of nutritrients that you need. I've tried them all - HCG, WW, Atkins, cabbage diet, etc. What worked for me in the past (for my wedding) and will work this time is "less in, more out"! Besides when I brag in 6 months about my weight loss, I want it to be from sweat and tears NOT some hormone (prescription or not).
  • my bad didnt mean to start a debate! Different things work for different people lets all be nice :)
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    It sounds like you may have gotten pharmaceutical grade HCG then. But you have to remember that's not available to the general public, you probably qualified because of your Thyroid.

    We can debate this all day long and we can just agree to disagree, but I'll leave with this thought. There is a way to calculate your resting metabolic rate:
    1. convert your weight into kilograms (divide by 2.2)
    2. multiply your bodyweight in kg's by your % of fat free mass (weight - (weight * bodyfat))
    3. multiply that by 22
    4. should have your RMR

    Example: woman at 170lbs @ 25%BF
    1. 170/2.2 = 77.2727
    2. 77.2727 * 75% = 57.955
    3. 57.955 * 22 = 1,275

    1,275 is a long way off from 500 calories. Remember, that 1275 is not a calorie goal for weight loss, that's pure calories to function.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    What kind of results are yo looking for? I fit is to lose all of you mass then that is what it does if you want to have a shapely body then try exercising and diet. I lost 3.5 lbs last month from diet and exercise I guarantee you that if i did the HGC 3.5lbs wouldnt have been that big of a difference but with the exercise helping mold my body it was like a lost 15lbs.
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    it's actually available for the public. there are so many hcg products out there, just have to research which one is the real deal.

    the ones i started out with her hcg max but those are like $225/bottle and then when my coworker went to AZ to visit her in laws, that's where she got them from and thats where i now get it from.

    how long have you been using hcg?

    and you do understand how hcg works in your system and why we only consume 500 calories right?

    i use to go ape **** when my friend talked about it..lol!! until i understand how it works.
    It sounds like you may have gotten pharmaceutical grade HCG then. But you have to remember that's not available to the general public, you probably qualified because of your Thyroid.

    We can debate this all day long and we can just agree to disagree, but I'll leave with this thought. There is a way to calculate your resting metabolic rate:
    1. convert your weight into kilograms (divide by 2.2)
    2. multiply your bodyweight in kg's by your % of fat free mass (weight - (weight * bodyfat))
    3. multiply that by 22
    4. should have your RMR

    Example: woman at 170lbs @ 25%BF
    1. 170/2.2 = 77.2727
    2. 77.2727 * 75% = 57.955
    3. 57.955 * 22 = 1,275

    1,275 is a long way off from 500 calories. Remember, that 1275 is not a calorie goal for weight loss, that's pure calories to function.
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