30 Day Shred-Thoughts, Success, and Info Please!

Hi! I have been unable to get to the gym because I have my daughter in the evenings when my boyfriend works late soooo I was wanting to start 30 day Shred because I have heard good things about it. Has anyone done it? What did you think about it? Did you really lose weight or is it super boring? I have her Last Chance Workout DVD and I could never get past the first 3 weeks because it seemed kind of boring doing the same workouts every day. Any information is appreciated!!

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  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am on day 13 Level 2 and eventho' I have only lost 2.5lbs I have lost 8 inches all around!! I would'nt be able to do the 30 days all the time but to see the inches come off and get that lil boost is enuf for me!!