trouble burning enough calories, looking for insight...

nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
Apologize in advance for this mini novel, but...

I need some ideas for different/new workouts, some advice and encouragement,

I am a 29 year old gal, 5'3 and I weigh 101 pounds (and obvs am maintaining, not losing), so the amount of effort it takes for me to burn calories is A LOT. I have been incredibly frustrated lately with the amount of time I am putting in running or at the gym and the resulting calorie burns. I use a HRM so my numbers are accurate. My HRM recently told me my estimated VO2 max was 59. The gym and working out in general is a huge stress reliever for me and I look forward to and crave good workouts, ones that make me smile while I am doing them. Lately, I have just been miserable.

After 2.5 years of religiously working out, I think I am kind of at the end of my time on cardio equipment in the gym, my cardiovascular system is in too good of shape to get any reasonable benefit out of these machines unless I pump them to the max, which I am not really interested in doing. I do run outside and will continue to try to amp up the intensity of those runs (it's hard in the summer heat), but the cardio machines I find SO BORING and I feel very restricted on them after spending more time running outside.

I also rock climb, mostly indoors, but that does not even seem to get my heart rate going enough to burn a good amount of calories. It's all very discouraging, even though I know it means my fitness level is good.

I feel that a good amount of calories for me to burn in a workout of 60-70 minutes is 450-550. This allows me to eat well all day and have the occasional splurge or dinner out. I love food, love cooking, love eating. I definitely workout in part to be able to eat, which I think is okay since for the most part I eat very healthfully, cook almost all my meals myself, and watch my calories carefully.

My solutions so far that I plan to try and see what works is
(1) amp up the runs as much as I can
(2) start focusing more on strength training again, but I need lean muscle - any insight on this would be helpful, best exercises or sites, etc.
(3)Try to do more power climbing when I rock climb by climbing 3 or 4 routes in a row to keep my heart rate up or do more bouldering
(4) yoga or the like, I can't see that actually burning more calories but it may be good for my mental health

So I need some outside perspective. I am interested in the opinions of those out there in MFP land. Anyone in the same boat as me? Am I way off here on something, have you experienced anything similar and what did you do, can anyone recommend other workouts that have given good results for plateaus, I am willing to try most anything, including home workout dvd's. I own one of the Tracey Anderson dvd's and an old biggest loser dvd, I only did Tracey Anderson a few times but felt that it wasn't doing anything for me.

Okay, I'm done rambling. As you can see this has been swirling around in my mind all day.

Send me your thoughts and thanks! :smile:


  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    If you're able to, find some Zumba classes in your area (you can also get it for Wii). I'm 44, weigh 144, and according to my HRM I burn anywhere from 650-650 calories an hour. It's a good cardio workout that's also FUN!
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I think maybe you are confused by a couple of things. A "plateau" means someone who still wants to lose weight (not you) who for one reason or another has stalled in doing so. You are not on a plateau. Also, why are you trying so hard to burn so many calories if you are in maintenance mode? If you are only trying to maintain your weight, you don't NEED to workout; all you need to do is fix your settings to maintain and eat the suggested calories....however, if you choose to workout (for fitness, to earn more food for the day, etc.), then you need to eat back all of those calories burned or you might continue to lose weight. Why not try *not* working out for a week or two and see if your weight holds steady?
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    What about a weight vest for your cardio work outs. Carrying more weight burns more calories. I know several people that are using them for training purposes.

    Weight training is something you definitely need to be doing, building lean muscle will be good for your body (looks and health) and will help you burn more calories just sleeping. Women can not bulk up like we see in those magazines unless they're doing some major steroids, we just don't have the testosterone for that, so don't be afraid of the weights!
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I hear a lot about high intensity interval training mixed with strength training to get good results. I suppose it depends on what your goals are. If it's for the stress relief, do whatever you really enjoy doing and feel like you get good and sweaty from. Or, pick a fitness goal you want to achieve, something concrete and measurable, like "run a 10k in 45 minutes" or "do 50 pushups in 2 minutes", and choose activities that will help you get there. I find I put more effort into a workout when there is a goal in mind, and I burn more calories from the extra intensity.
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    I would do interval really gets your heart going. On the treadmill go for level 8 for one minute and then 6 for two and repeat. I normaly do anywhere from 5-10 intervals making it 15-30 minutes without counting warmup and cooldown. If that's to easy, increase your speed or just bump up the incline. The interval will make your heart go when your at top speed and suprisingly harder when you slow down because it can't quite figure out what you're doing. Good luck!!
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    I have to agree with therobinator. You actually, for your height, are considered underweight according to the BMI calculator. But a calculator just knows numbers, not people.
    What it sounds like is that you want a new challenge. Take some sort of aerial class. I take static trapeze and aerial silks. It's an amazing workout and of course produces awesome results.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Just eat east less calories then.
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