Here Comes The Bride

That's right... I'm a bride to be! (July '09).
Needless to say, I've put off getting in shape and losing some pounds.
& now is the time to get down to business!

I couldn't imagine getting married in the shape I am in now, so I really really really have a desire to lose the extra weight.

I am aiming to lose 50 to 60 pounds by July.
My goals are:
-20lbs by Christmas (Dec. 25th)
-40lbs by St. Patricks Day (March 17th)
-50 to 60lbs by My Birthday (May 2nd)
-May through July ---> Maintain :]

I'm not in the mood to dress shop while I'm carrying these extra pounds.
So, I'm waiting until Dec/Jan to try on dresses.
I wonder if May and June will be enough to get alterations done to my dress. (I'm not going to buy the dress a size too small. I'd rather take in than let out.)

Sure, it's going to be a journey, but I have to have the faith I'll get there!


  • futuremccomb
    That's right... I'm a bride to be! (July '09).
    Needless to say, I've put off getting in shape and losing some pounds.
    & now is the time to get down to business!

    I couldn't imagine getting married in the shape I am in now, so I really really really have a desire to lose the extra weight.

    I am aiming to lose 50 to 60 pounds by July.
    My goals are:
    -20lbs by Christmas (Dec. 25th)
    -40lbs by St. Patricks Day (March 17th)
    -50 to 60lbs by My Birthday (May 2nd)
    -May through July ---> Maintain :]

    I'm not in the mood to dress shop while I'm carrying these extra pounds.
    So, I'm waiting until Dec/Jan to try on dresses.
    I wonder if May and June will be enough to get alterations done to my dress. (I'm not going to buy the dress a size too small. I'd rather take in than let out.)

    Sure, it's going to be a journey, but I have to have the faith I'll get there!
  • tookieb
    tookieb Posts: 89
    I wish you all the best, and think that those goals are attainable. I don't know what you are looking for in a dress but I can tell you from experience (been married 6 years) don't settle on just any dress make sure it is the perfect one for you. I tried on 50 or 60 dresses and my bridesmaids were ready to kill me. Each one I said was "OK" or "cute" or "nice" or "not bad" until I tried on "THE ONE" I was crying when they open the curtains and my mom started to cry when she saw me. Oh and just to let you know.... the dresses in the bridal magazines are not always as pretty as they seem. I had a dress picked out from a magazine and when I saw it up close I couldn't believe how ugly the beading was.

    I hope to see you on here often telling us how well you are doing;)
  • Mahlia
    Mahlia Posts: 190
    Weddings are so exciting, right? Eee! I'm getting all giggly and girly at the thought!! :laugh:

    Those are some pretty awesome goals you have there. :wink:
    Good luck on your journey and have a great wedding!
  • sbacon1203
    sbacon1203 Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome :flowerforyou:

    You are on the same time frame I have just completed and as you can see it is possible. :wink:

    I love to give tips and they are:
    1) Log it BEFORE you eat it, this can help you make wise choices :tongue:
    2) Weigh and/or measure everything, my eye was much larger than actual amounts :noway:

    Wishing you much success and you CAN do it :drinker:
  • Helen43
    Helen43 Posts: 43
    It will be a new you for your new married life.
    You can do it.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I just got married this fall. It too helped motivate me to lose some weight. However, be sure to order your dress at least 6 months in advance unless you plan to buy off the rack. The last thing you want is to miss out on the dress of your dreams.

    Good luck and have fun planning your wedding!