New User: I can't believe this app is FREE!!!


I am very appreciative of this app and utility. It is outstanding. I used to try to keep track of my food, but it was such a pain in the *kitten* to carry around a tablet and a pen. You almost never had time for it. This makes it SO FAST and SO EASY and FITS right in to my life! Thank you fitness pal~ ! I now need some friends to join me....

Don't forget. Don't tell yourself you're going to lose weight. Tell yourself that you just don't want to put any more weight on. That's been helping me immensely so far....


  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I know. I hate keeping a food journal. I paid $ for weight watchers for years & hated writing everything down, tracking, and then gaining weight. Can't believe this is free & so easy for me to use. I've been on 45 days & lost 13 lbs. It would take me 6 months to do that on WW, if at all.
  • Christina269
    Christina269 Posts: 110
    I know, right??! I love it! I'm still using WW Online, but I'm thinking I can kick that bill to the curb soon! The mobile app here is so user friendly so convenient. It's really showing me what I'm putting in my body - not just "points".