Help me i'm Stuck!

Hey MFP friends!

Ive been here religiously for 35 days now and still barely losing! Help me!

I tried to cheat the system - by dropping my calories down to only 1000, which people have now told me puts my body into starvation mode. I started at 197.6lbs which is about 14stone 1lb and now this morning (thursday) was at 193 (last weigh in 191.8) I just dont know what I am doing wrong now... Others seem to have lost way more in the same space of time. I re ajusted my calories to what MFP suggested and have been sticking to that - 1280 a day now.

I will admit that I do very little exercise but have an active job running a restaurant so I am always on my feet. I have decided that I am going to try and exercise every day even if its just a half hour walk.

I have decided to do a month off the alcohol, not that i drank a lot anyway, but am going to see if it makes any difference...

Anyone with any advice id be happy to hear it.

jodie xx


  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    Upping your calories, dropping the alcohol, and exercising will probably do the trick! Good Luck!
  • mi scuso se ti rispondo in italiano magari , puoi usare il traduttore per leggere la mia risposta. l'alcool nasconde moltissime calorie. prova a fare una settimana a 150 calorie in più e poi scendi forse riesci a ingannare il tuo metabolismo...altro trucco ti ricordi di bere molta acqua quando mi blocco bevo molta acqua... e prendo tisana con i gambi delle ciliege. facci sapere
  • dltfernandez
    dltfernandez Posts: 1 Member
    Definetly drop the alcohol and sugar intake. I was also stuck and ever since I dropped the caffeine and sugar I started losing weight. Good luck!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Upping your calories, dropping the alcohol, and exercising will probably do the trick! Good Luck!

    All agree. Since you are on your feet all day long, you 1280 most likely is too low for you. Try to use the tool to set your goal, and pick the active setting, and go with that calorie in number.

    Slow down your alcohol, which are empty calories (I hope you count those in your diary). When you drink and eat, your body will burn the empty calories from alcohol first (easier for body to burn those), and probably stores your calories from the food. So, that could be your main issue right now.

    Exercising is so important in this process, not just for weight lose, also so good for your healthy.

    Good luck to you.
  • Trisha042415
    Trisha042415 Posts: 16 Member
    Walking just 30 minutes a day will help. I tend to get lazy when it comes to exercising but when I do exercise I see results. You can do it! :)
  • lisapooh1
    lisapooh1 Posts: 90
    I agree with everyone else, cut sugar and alcohol and drink alot of water, also the average woman needs 1700 calories a day so you are starving your body....:sad:
  • sian_gardiner
    sian_gardiner Posts: 3 Member
    It sounds like you're doing well with the calorie counting side of things but you did mention your lack of exercise time, I used to have no time to do it either and I used to say that work and school should be enough exercise but after talking with my nurse about weight loss, she advised me that if it's just a part of your daily routine (work, school) then it doesn't really count and for it to really count it needs to be hard work and should get you out of breath. I recommend you try to make time to do half an hour of exercise (something extra) at least 5 times a week (make sure you take a day of a week as well it helps your muscles to grow and develop) it doesn't necessarily need to be anything particularly strenuous I'm not suggesting you wear yourself out perhaps a fast paced walk around the block would do if that's all you can fit in. Good luck!
  • filady
    filady Posts: 12
    make sure you take your measurments, lots of times you lose inche instead of weight especially after you have been on it a while, also cut your plate in half (imagine) and then 1/2 of the plate cut in half again use the half plate side for veggies and the other 2 sections for protein and carb.(corn, bread, pasta,etc.) Watch your salt lot of process food has salt in them and it does make a difference. Been through WW and numourous other program this has been the best so far
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Just had a look at your diary hun,, you log everything you eat? If you do, then I would guess a lot of the problem is the food youre eating. Try less processed stodgey foods..I know how hard it is to forward plan meals when you work on your feet all day, Im the same myself, but it means getting up half an hour earlier and sometimes planning the night before to ensure that Im eating enough etc. I dont eat white bread at all, but I eat gluten free brown soda bread instead. Ie today I made enough of a smoothie to do me for breakfast tomorrow. Im going to be up at 6.30am and know what Im having for breakfast and lunch etc.
    Check some of your friends diaries to see how they use their calories, to get ideas for yourself :)

  • In the past when I have been stuck and seem not to be losing weight, I have found that a change in routine will trigger weight loss. You might try doing a new exercise activity, something fun. Another thing you might do is check your measurements, you may be losing inches instead of pounds. I think you might not be eating enough calories, too. I wish you success in your weight loss endeavors.
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    If you like the occasional drink and the odd treat the best way is to eat healthy. Fill a 3rd of your plate with veg/salad, not a huge portion of meat/protein and less carbs. I find piling my plate up with veg, topped with maybe a little rice and a couple of spoonfuls of curry is enough to confuse my brain into thinking I was eating the same as I was before. Think before you dish out and plan your meals beforehand. When you know what you have planned to have, less likely to cheat and go for processed or stodgey stuff.
  • New_Lynn
    New_Lynn Posts: 19
    1,000 calories?Sorry but that is way too low IMO. I don't think that sounds healthy at all. You can't possibly be getting all the vitamins and minerals you need for good health from that amount of food.

    Plus I'd say don't compare yourself to others. Weight loss is different for everyone. I'm losing weight at an incredibly slow rate too so I can sympathise with you on that one. I keep telling myself that 'Rome wasn't built in a day' or words to that effect. But I am walking for England and I feel much better about myself, sometimes you've got to just trust the system and relax. That's what I'm doing. I just keep filling in the log and very slowly it coming off. But I must confess it's like watching paint dry at times lol.

    I'm not sure about the alcohol either, I am a great believer in everything in moderation myself. If you fancy a tipple after a hard days work in the restaurant, have one, but make it a small glass.

    Good luck and just keep slogging away. Maybe it's water retention? Is it hot in your part of the world? It was really hot in Northumberland on Sunday and I couldn't get an old silver ring on my hand, so goodness only knows what was happening to my waistline.

    Good luck and don't forget...... 80% of success is just showing up - Woody Allen.

  • Empty calories?
  • I dont drink a lot! And i record it all on here? I dont understand some stuff like why does everyone go on about Sodium? How do i see a breakdown? x
  • Which foods? I make a lot myself and eat loads of fresh things?
  • pabule
    pabule Posts: 4 Member
    This sounds familiar. I've been experiencing the same feeling. I'm so anxious to have a drastic change in my weight. After working hard at this for the past month, I've only lost about 5 pounds. I'm feeling really great so I know the scales can't be telling the whole story. I got out my measuring tape and discovered that I've lost 1.5 inches from the waist. I was so excited about that loss, that I marked my starting measurement and today's measurement on my tape with a Sharpie! I plan to make many more marks as I continue on this journey. Your post encouraged me because you have a plan to help you reach your goal. Your plan will help you on days when your job wears you out. Take time to take care of yourself everyday. Keep up the good can do it!