any low cal treats that will fill u up?



  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I eat pop chips, special K chips, Quaker DIPP bars, Del Monte Fruit Naturals grapefruit or the mixed berries. Animal crackers, frozen grapes, and skinny cow ice cream sandwiches
  • NicoleK01
    NicoleK01 Posts: 11
    I made korma the other day, and had heaps of leftovers.

    So, using 1tbs of the korma/rice mix, I made mini korma rolls by wrapping the mix in rice paper - sprayed them very very lightly with oil and baked them on baking paper in the oven. Works out to be 37 calories per roll and they are delish!

    Am going to do the same with any other leftover currys or mince dishes - brilliant for lunchboxes and to chuck in the freezer too!