Bi-polar appetite

It was only a few days ago I was constantly hungry and finding it difficult to not go over my cals.......the last couple of days hardly had any appetite and finding it difficult to eat enough and not be drastically under cal. I'm not under any stress or emotional issues but this is something I now realise I've dealt with most of my adult life......I've often had days of eating nothing but a slice of toast and having to force myself to eat that and others stuffing my face all day like a woman possessed but strangely it never really struck me as odd until I started logging. Anyone else have a similar issue and any ideas on how to make my appetite more stable.....?


  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    No advice, sorry. I'm the same way, I curse the "eat everything that can't outrun me" days, and kind of love the other days.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I'm the same way too, but I don't know how to fix it. I like to think it all evens itself out
  • JamiroJunior
    JamiroJunior Posts: 139
    Same, I have my cheat days and eat like a mad cow, and other days I chew slowly and eat very little, my family marvels at me when I do so. I think it's normal.
  • JennieD2
    JennieD2 Posts: 66
    I think this is totally normal. We all do this to a certain extent, even very young children who have no social conditioning regarding appetite.