SAHM Week #3 10/20-10/26



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    LMBO at "tiny tank" & "paranoid pee-er" You're too much. :laugh:

    Loki - I see that you are an early riser, too. 5:30 is my goal time so I feel your pain about sleeping in. My oldest is just set to wake up early. Makes me insane. Usually he needs something immediatly, too. At 4am when he got up this morning, I found him eating the cookies that we made yesterday. Ugh. My house needs alarms on everything!

    I'm going to try to start the push-ups today so I get my one new thing in this week. I just have had enough time in my day to do my current work out stuff so I'm hoping today I'll be able to rip the kids off me long enough to start that. I really want to! I tried to do some last night just for "fun" & was sadly disappointed in myself. I got about 3 boy style ones done...but I did a lot more girly ones. I think I did about 12...or I fell asleep on the floor & it was all a dream...I'm not sure which.

    I'm zooming on my water. I actually am doing really well with it now. I forgot how much easier it is for me to drink it with a straw. I like water, but I'm a sipper so the straw makes me drink it faster I think.

    One more thing, if I could ask it of you, my friends could use a little extra prayer right now. (He's my husband's best friend from way back). M miscarried twins this week & is having a hard time emotionally with the whole thing. She was about 9 weeks along. Also, her mom was admitted to the ICU last night with renal failure (she has all sorts of problems) so they don't know exactly where this illness is going to take her. PLUS, M & J are moving to Nashville, TN in about a month so they have the stress from that as well. Please just keep them in your prayers. Thanks, ladies. I appreciate it. :smile:

    Off to do...something.... LOL I'm having a "I don't wanna!" kind of day.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I worked my butt off yesterday...but failed to do a single pushup! I forgot! Duh! However, I was telling my husband about it last night & he's going to do it with me now...and put me to shame, I'm sure. We've been together for eons & everytime we go out to do something together, he leaves me in the dust. I TAUGHT him how to roller blade about 7 years ago & the 2nd day, he was lapping me on the 1/2 mile track by our house. Shameful. Anyways, that's my goal for today.

    We're going out to buy dh a Halloween costume this morning for his mandatory work party next week which he is none too thrilled about so I'm sure it'll be good times all around.

    Loki - I saw a pic of your little dude in his bat costume on another thread & it is just TOOOOOO much! I love it! I'll have to tie my kids together & try to get a pic of them in their costumes. The only part of Halloween I like is cute kids in cute costumes...I'm a bit of a party poooper. :laugh:

    So, keep drinking the water & work on getting something new in (I'm one to talk...I still haven't done my pushups!). Have a lovely Sat. girls!

  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    3BB - Go do those pushups!!!!!!! :laugh: And thanks! That's one of my favorite pictures of him.

    I didn't work out yesterday and I overate, but this morning I had lost, so I'm happy. I'm going back to the gym today. I just REALLY didn't want to yesterday.

    Definitely post pictures of your little ones, 3BB, and MM, you too if you have any! And anyone else, of course! I :heart: :heart: :heart: costume pictures. They're so cute!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    3BB I will pray for your friend. That's a whole lot to be going through all at once! And do those push ups! :laugh:
    Loki, I missed the picture of your son. What post is it? Alex is now my main image. I can't believe he's going to be 3 in about 3 weeks!
    I am feeling better today. I was going to try to work out, but I don't know if I will have time. I'm running a little slow this morning. I have to get the house cleaned up because we have company coming tonight. Once a month we have a prayer meeting at our house. When someone mentions a prayer meeting people usually run the other way and I don't know why. No one showed last time, but hopefully a few people will come tonight! I will have to keep myself away from the cookies that I will be making! I told DH to take them to work first thing Monday morning!
    I also would like to try to get some work done on my car this afternoon because it's going to be gorgeous out!
    I'd better go. I have a lot to do this morning. Have a good weekend!
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    3BB - I didn't even see your post about your friends! I don't know how I missed it. I will definitely add them onto our prayer list.

    MM - I'll just copy the picture here.


    Your son is so cute! I love that curly hair!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member


    It is going to be a long road, MM! My dh did 11, then claims that I made him laugh so he stopped. DH says that I did...1/2 of 1. LOL I can do more girly ones, but those don't count obviously. Sooo..he's going to start the challenge tomorrow & I'm going to do a couple weeks of the girly pushups & try again. Wow. That was the...holy junk I'm much weaker than I suspected kind of way. LOL
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Doing a happy dance! 3BB's doing push ups! And girl ones DO count! I think it's neat that your DH is doing it with you, even if he did laugh at you. (Be nice to my friend Mister!):tongue: My dh started doing push ups on his own a few weeks before I found the challenge. Once I started it he stopped. He said took it away from him. Whatever.
    Today I overate. I knew to stop and I didn't. I even knew WHEN to stop. I have to get it back in gear tomorrow! My back hurts a bit so I will see where I am at in the morning. I've got to get my life back under control. I need to go deal with a couple of babies. :grumble: :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Well, my dh wants to start loosing weight after he graduates in dec. so I told him this would be a good place to start. He's always been around 200# (he's about 5'11"), ever since i met him when he was 16 so this whole notion of "loosing weight" is baffling to me. We'll see what he does/how he does! He's talking about doing the P90x when he has time. Who knows. I'm just hoping to be really close to my goal weight by then so I can work on maintenance b/c with him home more often, I'm going to actually have to cook real meals. LOL

    He wasn't laughing "at" me, necessarily...he was laughing at the fact that i was face down on the floor going, "1? was that 1?! Please tell me that was 1!" I had just got done TJ'ing so I was all sweaty & tired to begin with so I was a sorry, sorry sight.

    MM - today is just one day. You'll get back on track tomorrow! You can do it! Good luck with your babies. :wink:

    People need attention here, too so I will talk to you all tomorrow!

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member